The latest installment in the Lego franchise takes us on the journeys of Jack Sparrow and his crew. The game…
Browsing: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
As with all other Lego games, there are gold bricks to be found in this game. However, there are only…
There are 200 ships in a bottle to find for this Lego game, 10 in each level. When you complete…
There are eight items that can be found in each level of the Lego Pirates of the Caribbean game. For…
So you want to collect all the characters for this game? There are 79 of them and they are found…
Unlike other Lego games, you must find red hats, instead of bricks. There are 20 to be found and all…
It does not appear that there are any cheat codes for Pirates of the Caribbean, other than a few character…