There are 200 ships in a bottle to find for this Lego game, 10 in each level. When you complete each minikit, you can then ride it in the port. Completing and riding all of them will snag you the achievement “Hoist the Colours”. Most of the minikit pieces will need to be found in free play. Some, you will only be able to get by gaining access to new areas of a level, while others may need a specific character to get. This guide lists all 200 ships in the bottle, where to find them, and how to get them.
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Port Royal
- When you climb up onto the rafters to fight Jack, at the start of the level, use a strong character to pull the lever at the back and go outside onto the veranda to get the bottle.
- When you are in the jail, look at the ceiling and you will see some wide torches hanging down. There are seven in all and they all have grab rails on them. Jump up onto each one to get a bottle.
- In the jail, there are four skeletons that need to be rebuilt. Three of them are in the same cell that Jack was. You will need to shoot two of them down, using the targets up near the ceiling. The third is lying on the floor. The final skeleton is in the cell that has a silver bars, also hanging from the ceiling.
- While still in the jail, go through the hole at the back of one of the cells. Out here, work your way down and push some planks of wood over the edge to make a plank for you to walk. walk out and shoot at the target on the back wall. This will lower a platform for you to jump onto, and then wall jump to the top. Up here you will find some bricks which you can build onto the wall to climb up onto a grab rail. Move across the rail and use a female to jump up onto the handle on the left hand wall. This will pull out some more platforms for you to jump up onto. On the top one is another switch for you to push, which will give you a fourth platform. Use a female to jump up onto this platform and get the bottle.
- There are three blue and white flags around the level that need to be raised for this minikit.
- When you first leave the jail, it is possible to climb up onto the wall and run along it. The first flag is on the far right hand side of the wall.
- On the beach, use the palm tree beside the building to climb up, onto the roof to find the second flag.
- The final flag can be seen above the gate you use to leave the beach area, (just above the barrel mechanism). Use a female character to jump up to get it.
- On the beach you will find three piles of bricks along the shoreline. Build these into little ships, then carry on through the level to find two more. The other two can be found after leaving the beach. The first on the path and the second on the little beach here.
- On the beach, use the compass to find some buried wood, on the 1 o’ clock postion of the compass. Build this into another post in the sand, then use this to jump from post to post, to reach the last one and get a ship in a bottle.
- Before leaving the beach, use a female character to jump up on top of the archway for the gate you use to exit this area. From there, jump through the open window and walk to the left to find a ship. (Alternativly, you can go through the gate, then build the remains o fit into a platform and use a female character to jump up and pull a lever. This will lower a net for you to climb up into another window, which will take you to the same place as the other window)
- Next to the exit from the beach, there is a pile of silver objects. Blow them up and cross the bridge into a new area. In here you will need to find a sausage for Jimmy Legs. To do this, go to the back, left hand corner and destroy the objects you find here. This will uncover a seaweed door that you can use to get up to a ledge above. Here you will find some sausages, pick one up and return it to Jimmy for a minikit.
- Before you get on the ship, use a character that can walk on the bottom of the sea to find a crab in a cage, underwater. Break open the cage to release the minikit and the crab.
- At the start of the level, use a strong character to get through the gate on the right. In here, go to the end of the pier and forge the mechanism to raise some Lego bricks. Build those up, then carry them over to the green block by the boatshed. Now use a sword to release the boat and get a ship piece.
- At the back of the boatshed, after you have launched the boat, there is a seaweed door. Use this to get to a new stretch of the beach. Here you need to dig up some Lego bricks. When you have done that, go the the left side and find a torch to remove the purple tentacl from the cannon. Now, carry the cannon over to the bricks you dug up, and build it all together. When you jump onto the cannon, four targets will pop in and out of view. You must hit all four to reveal the bottle.
- Use the seaweed door at the back of the boatshed, to get to the left side of the beach. On the far left, there are some silver objects. Destroy them to find a ship piece.
- Go through the Blackbeard door, then use Jack’s rope trick to get up onto a small ledge. Jump up on the ledge to grab a rope above you and ring the bells.
- There are three crates of fireworks that you will need to find and set off to get this minikit piece.
- The first one can be found behind a gate near the man stuck in the well. You will need to use a strong character to open the gate on the left.
- Go through Blackbeard’s door at the back of the same area, and use Jack’s compass to find the second one.
- The final one is through the door that the horse was blocking. Go all the way to the right and you will see it beside a silver barrel. You will need to destroy the barrel before you can set off the fireworks.
- Next to where Mr Gibbs is sleeping, there is, what looks like, a steaming pile of manure. Use a character to dig on this spot and you will find a minikit piece.
- When you are in the bar with Mr Cotton and his parrot, use a character to scream/sing near the glass cabinet at the back of the room to break it open and get a minikit piece.
- After jumping across three chandeliers in the bar, go to the left side of the terrace and destroy the silver gate, then go inside for the bottle.
- In the same area as the man stuck in the well, you will be able to use a grab rail to get up onto a terrace at the back of this area. From here you can use a female character to jump from pole to pole and get across to the left. Walk along this terrace and you will find a ladder at the end, that leads up to the roof. The ship in the bottle is on the roof.
- When you first enter the tunnel to find Marty, there is a strong character handle on your left. Pull this to open a hole in the ground next to it, and jump in. When you hit the water below, use a character that can sink to the bottom to collect a minikit piece.
The Black Pearl Attacks
- Use explosives to destroy the cabinet at the back of the boat, with the large padlock on it.
- Use Blackbeard to destroy the skull on the mast at the front of the ship. Now climb up it to get a minikit piece.
- When you are below deck, walk to the right and find a Blackbeard skull blocking a stairway. Use Blackbeard to clear the skull and go downstairs to get a minikit.
- Also below deck, there are five crates of blue glass objects. You will need to use Syrena, or another singing character, to break all five. There are three on the upper deck, and one on the lower deck. You will not be able to get the final one until after you have shot all the cannons and end up back below deck.
- From the last minikit piece, slide to the left on this deck and you will see another minikit piece.
- When you get below deck for a second time, there is a cannon on the left hand side. You can find a torch on the deck above you, inside a crate that Blackbeard needs to open. Use the torch on the cannon and you will see five flags in the water. Hit each flags to get the minikit piece.
- When you are on the top deck of the Pearl, use Syrena to break the glass on the left hand side, so you can access the lower decks. Go down two decks and you will find a minikit piece on the floor.
- While still below deck, use the compass to find a chest with a minikit piece inside.
- On top deck of the Pearl, go to the left and use Jack’s rope pulley to get up onto the mast. Now use the compass to reveal a minikit piece.
- Also on the top deck of the Pearl, use Jack rope to get up to the Mast above, then hang off the plank where you can see the grab rails. From here you will need to drop down a an angle to get the minikit below you.
Smuggler’s Den
- Right at the start of the level you can dig one up beside you.
- Use the compass at the start of the level to find some Lego bricks on the beach. Build these into a giant sandcastle, then go through the small character door to find the bottle.
- After using the spyglass, and it has turned back to day, climb on of the coconut trees to get a minikit.
- When you have used the catapult, jump along the posts near the ship and jump onto the planks running up it. Destroy the silver bell at the end of the plank to get the minikit piece.
- When you are directing the beam of light around the den, you will need to turn two wheels by the bridge. Turn the one on the right so the beam is reflected down towards the water. Now destroy the silver blocks it is hitting, and drop down into the water yourself. Down here you will need to use one of the Pearl’s cursed crew members to move the reflector on the bottom. When you have done this, turn it so the light is shone at the tentacle, which will release the bottle.
- As you move the beam of light around the cave, you will eventually be able to cross a plank to get to another piece of wood for the fire. Here you will see a seaweed door which you can use to reach another minikit.
- Go a little further to the left from the seaweed door, and you will see some silver objects. Destroy those and climb the ladder that was behind it. This will lead you into a new area with two cannons and some blocks of ice. Use Syrena, or a similar character, to break the two blocks and you will have two turtles that you can ride. Jump on one and an arch will pop up out of the sea. Ride the turtle through each arch as it appears, in one big circle, and when you reach the end, you will get a minikit.
- While in the same area as the turtles, jump onto one of the cannons and several minikit ships will appear in the water. Hit each one to destroy it and you will get your own minikit piece.
- When you send the final pieces of wood for your fire, up to the beach above, pull the strong character handle that was behind the lift, to reveal a minikit piece.
- Inside the smuggler’s den, beneath the water, on the left, there is a giant starfish. Break the crate next to it and build the pieces into a strong character handle. You will need to use a character that is strong, but can also walk under the water. Crash is ideal for this. Anyway, pull the handle and break the crate behind the starfish for the minikit piece.
Isla de Muerta
- At the start of the level, destroy the silver chain holding the boat in place, then row out to middle of the water and jump up to get the bottle.
- There are five parrots on perches throughout the level, that you must dislodge to get the minikit piece
- The first is across the first gangplank at the start of the level.
- A second parrot is hidden in the shadows, behind the cannon.
- The final parrot is just across the bridge that you created with the cannon, at the base of the ramp, on the left.
- When you reach Jacks rope pulley, use a character to aim up and shoot the target to the left. You can then get one of your characters to jump into the water, and onto the pieces of wood now floating below the target. Use a female character to jump up form here and get the minikit piece.
- To the right of the platform that Barbossa keeps running off to, there is a small crack in the wall that has glass stalagmites filling it. Use Syrena to break through the stalagmites and you can reach a new area. In here you will find a large silver chest on an island. Break the chest open and a soldier will pop out. He wants you to return his telescope to him. (Pick up the shovel beside his as you will need this.) His telescope can be found in the same room as the next minikit piece. In this other area, use cursed Jack’s compass to find the telescope and return it to the soldier in the previous room for a minikit piece. You will need to pick up the cursed coin from near the skull puzzle in the next room to complete this.
- When you have raised all three gangplanks up to Barbossa, you will be shown a small underwater area that has more glass stalagmites on it. Use Syrena to break through these and get to another new area. When you get in here, use cursed Jack’s compass to find a helmet for the statue in the corner. When you have found it, return it to the statue and you will get a minikit piece.
- In the same area as the earlier minikit, swim up to the surface and you will see some skulls on the wall. Behind the skulls there is a coloured area. Each of the skulls has different coloured eyes. You must spin the wheels either side of the skulls to rotate them until you have two skulls with eyes that match the colour of the block behind them. When you do, push the coffins into the wall. Do this for all three coloured bricks and you will see three more bricks drop down. This time you must use two different coloured skulls to make the colour of the brick behind them. For orange, use a yellow and a red skull. For purple, use a blue and a red. And for green, use a yellow and a blue. When those three have been destroyed, you will finally get the minikit piece.
- Near the skull puzzle, use the compass to find a dog statue. Now use a female character to jump up to the rope above it and you will see the minikit piece.
- When you have gotten the last minikit in this area, drop back onto the water and walk to the left. If you look carefully you will see an opening in the cave wall. Go through there and you will find yourself in a new area. Swim up and jump out of the water onto a pier on the right. Use Blackbeard to open the crate here and build the pieces into a cannon. Use the torch behind the cannon and you will see five rubber ducks in the water. Shoot all five of them and the minikit will appear above the water. Now you just need to swim over and get it.
- Walk to the other end of the pier, and if you look carefully, you will see a target on the Pearl. Shoot it and a ladder of sorts, will drop down. Use a female character to scale the grab rails up to a chain running from the top of the Pearl. Slide along the chain and you will drop down beside a bottle.
- Still in this area, switch to Crash because he is a strong character that can walk beneath the water. Now go down under the water, next to the Pearl. Here you will see a large crate with a strong character handle in front of it. Pull it to release a minikit piece.
- After climbing the first rope ladder, you can use the compass to find a minikit at the bottom of the compass wheel. This will lead you to some silver rocks. Destroy those and go through to find a bottle behind the waterfall.
- After you cross a bridge from right to left, you will see some more silver rocks. Destroy those and go down the hill until you find a large maze. Use the wheel next to it to manoeuvre the ball in the middle of the maze, and get it out. This will then turn into a bottle.
- After you have climbed a second rope ladder, you will see a third pile of silver rocks. Go through them and up the hill. When you are at the top you will see a Blackbeard object over a camp fire. Have Blackbeard knock it off it’s holdings, then hit it to break it open and get the bottle.
- From the last minikit piece, use the compass to find a telescope. Use it to find a cannibal with a shovel. Watch him long enough and he will dig up the bottle for you.
- When you enter the second area of the level, continue down the cliff until you come to a Blackbeard door. Open it up and go through the tunnel until you get a minikit piece.
- Go back to the Blackbeard door, and just a little further down the cliff, you will see a strong character handle near a pit full of spikes. Pull the handle and a bridge will be raised, allowing you to enter a new area. Once across, use the compass to find a telescope and look through it. Look to the right and you will see a bridge. Keep watching and a crab will come out onto the bridge and give you a minikit piece.
- In the same area as the last minikit, climb the tree at the back, between the huts. The bottle is at the top.
- Shortly after the coming out the tunnel from the Blackbeard door, there is a rope for Jack to use to get to a new area. When you are over the gap, use the compass to find a minikit buried in the ground.
- In the same area as the last minikit piece, there are two cannons. Grab a torch off the side of one of them and use a cannon. You will see eight targets on the cliff opposite you. Shoot them all and you will get the bottle when you hit the last one.
- In the last part of the level, jump into the river and use a character that can walk at the bottom. Find the cage with a crab inside and break it open. Now jump onto the crab and ride it up stream to get a bottle.
A Touch of Destiny
- From the start of the level, there are five frogs that you must find and destroy, to get the minikit piece.
- The first one is sitting on the little island in the water, where you can find Ragetti’s eye using the compass.
- A second frog can be found near the forge items along the river.
- The third frog is near the pathway you will reach after comping off the raft. Next to the rope that is blocked off, you can see the frog across a small stretch of water. Use a female to jump over to it.
- The fourth frog is near Jack’s rope pulley that you use to cross the water.
- The last frog can be seen in the corner, after you use Jack’s rope pulley to cross the water.
- As you pass through the first set of gates on the raft, you will see some silver rocks on the right. Destroy those, then use a female character to jump up and grab a rope. Climb up a little and you will find a bottle.
- Move the raft along the rail until you reach the point where you had to forge some items. Now use a female character to jump up and grab a rope above you. Climb a little way up and you will be able to jump off and get a minikit piece.
- After using Jack’s rope pulley to cross the water, use the compass to find a beach ball buried in the mud. Dig it up and use the walkways to take it back to the point where the giant crocodile snatched the monkey. Go up the ladder here, and give it to the person waiting here for it. This will reveal a bottle.
- When you are fighting the giant crocodile, the natives will start throwing things at you. Pick it up any item of food and wait for the crocodile to open it’s mouth. When it does, throw it in to feed it to the crocodile. If you do it correctly, the crocodile will clap it’s hands. Do this three times to get a minikit piece.
- When you have defeated the crocodile, use the pieces of debris to reach a small platform at the back of this area. Now use a female character to jump up and get the bottle.
- Still in the same area as the last minikit, use Blackbeard to break open the red crate in the water. Build the pieces into a cuckoo clock, then use Blackbeard again to set it off. This will give you the minikit piece.
- Before you enter Tia Dalma’s hut, use the compass to find a crate of fish shown on the compass wheel as a pirana. You will find the fish inside a crate, which you must open using a strong character. Pick up one of the fish and a pirana will jump out of the water. Throw the fish into it’s mouth and it will revel a minikit to you. All you need to do now, is swim under the gate and get it.
- Go upstairs in Tia Dalma’s hut and use Blackbeard to open the safe in the left hand corner.
- Downstairs in the hut, destroy the silver barrier in the left hand corner, and go through to get the minikit piece.
The Dutchman’s Secret
- At the start of the level, you will raise a net by pulling a lever, to give you some seaweed. When this net is down, you can jump onto it from the deck above and get a minikit.
- Up behind Davy Jones, there is a chest that is covered by a tentacle. Pick up a lantern and remove the tentacle, then use Blackbeard to open the chest.
- When you get below deck, go down to the lowest one, and at the bottom of the stairs, you will see a sword lever. Get one character to use this, then turn the other into a Dutchman crew member and use the seaweed door on the back wall. Now have this character use the sword lever on this side. When the spear device is destroyed, build the pieces into a snail and wait for it to walk around for a bit. When it is done, it will give you a minikit.
- Go down to the lowest deck and walk to the right. Use Blackbeard to break open the black skull for the minikit piece.
- On the third deck up, use a lantern to get rid of the purple tentacles on the right. Now jump over the crates to get the bottle.
- When you come back out on deck, do not follow Davy Jones. Instead, climb the mast above the door he went through. When you are as high as you can go, use Syrena to jump up into the bird’s nest and scream until the glass above you breaks. Now you can jump up and grab a rope. Climb up a little way and jump to another rope. These ropes may be difficult to see, but they are there. From this rope, climb to the top and jump onto the another rope, which will lead you down to another mast, and the minikit piece.
- When Davy Jones is playing away, you can move up the room and find a silver object on the left wall. Destroy it and jump through the hole into a new area. On the right hand wall there is a cabinet that you can break with Syrena, to get a minikit.
- In the same room as the last minikit piece, push the crate along the floor until it pulls down another crate above it. Throw something at it, to break the crate and you can grab the minikit piece.
- After you have used the platforms to get the crate over the water, keep turning the wheels at the bottom until a minikit appears.
- Finally, still in this room, go through one of the two doors at the back and you will find yourself outside, on the back of the ship. Jump up above you and use the grab rail to jump up and get a minikit piece.
Isla Cruces
- At the start of the level, use the compass to find the fourth chest on the compass wheel. The ship is inside.
- From the start of the level you can walk into the water on the left side of the beach, and collect a minikit from under the water.
- Pull the strong character handle on the shipwreck on the left. The minikit piece is behind it.
- When you get off the beach, go over to the building and use the sword mechanism three times. On the third one, you will get a chest for Blackbeard to open. The minikit is inside.
- Still in this area, destroy the silver gate on the left and dig up some bones from the graves. Build the bones into a barrel and ride it over to the mechanism in front of the building. When you have used the barrel to open the gate, you can pick up the bottle.
- When you reach the top of the tower, still inside, have Blackbeard destroy the black skull. This will give you a chain that you can climb up to the top of the tower. Use the telescope to watch Davy Jones and you will get another minikit.
- When you get to the point where you are on top of the wheel, wait before you do anything. A minikit bottle will pass overhead and you can jump up and get it. If you miss it, wait again and it will pass overhead, giving you a second chance to get it.
- During the fight at the end of the level, use the seaweed door to reach a new area. Switch to a female character and jump up to the grab rail. From here you can jump to get the minikit.
- Use the seaweed door to go through and grab a lever. Go over to the quicksand and use the lever to extend some gangplanks. Cross the quicksand and you can find a minikit on the other side.
- Still on the other side of the quicksand, use the compass to find a crab buried in the sand. Build the pieces up and the little crab will join it’s mother. Now, use a female character to jump up to the grab rail on the tree line. Now jump from rail to rail until you knock down some more Lego bricks. Build those too, so a second crab joins it’s mother. When they are all reunited, you will get a minikit.
The Kraken
- At the start of the level, head to the left and use Blackbeard to open a hatch. Head down it and to the left again, where you will find two chests. Break both of them open, then pick the little one up and place it inside the bigger one. Now hit the bigger one again and you will get a minikit.
- To the right of the last minikit, there are four small barrels. Break the spout of each one to get another minikit piece.
- On the deck above, walk all the way to the right and you will find a strong character handle. Open it to get to the minikit behind it.
- After moving the dynamite up one level, walk to the left and you will see a minikit piece behind a pane of glass. Sing, or scream, to break it open and get the bottle.
- When you are on the top deck, at the very front of the ship, there are two strong character handles. Pull both of them to release a bottle.
- Still in this area, if you walk towards the screen, you can see some grab rails on the side of the ship, Jump onto the one on the right and you will get a minikit from just below you.
- At the front of the ship, use Jacks rope pulley to get up onto the mast above you. Walk along the rigging, towards the screen, and you will see the minikit above you. Use a female character to reach it.
- From the last minikit, climb further still, up the mast. You will find a rope that you can slide down to get to another mast. From here, walk along the rigging, towards the Kraken, and use a female character at the end, to jump up and get another bottle.
- At the end of the level, when you are facing the Kraken, use the seaweed door on the left to get to another part of the deck. Pick up a torch and light the dynamite to get rid of the tentacle that is holding the minikit piece.
- Use explosives to blow up the crate on the left side of you, in front of the Kraken), and collect the bottle inside it.
- As soon as you start the level, turn to the left and you will see a silver gate blocking a tunnel entrance. Destroy it and walk through to a new area. Find the large set of bellows and destroy the crates to the right of them. In one, you will find a smaller crate. Pick it up and place it in front of the bellows. Build the pieces into the fire and use the torch to light a fire. Now jump up and down on the bellows until the minikit appears.
- Head to the right when you start the level, and you will see a silver gate. Destroy it and climb the ladder that was behind it. Now use Blackbeard to raise the barrier at the back and collect the bottle from behind it.
- From the position of the last minikit piece, use the two levers in front of you to open the curtains below. This will trigger a puppet show and open a gate to the right. Go through there to get another bottle.
- On the pier in fornt of the fish stall, there is a strong character handle. Pull it and pick up the crate it gives you, then walk back and place it on the green Lego next to the fish stall. This will give you a minikit piece.
- Walk around the piers until, somewhere in the middle, you will find a rope for Jack to use. Go up the rope pulley and you will find a minikit.
- After sliding along the rope and extending a new bridge, use a singing/screaming character to break the glass object in front of you. Pick the lever up and cross the bridge to the right. Use the lever and the bridge will swing round to a new area. Cross the bridge and jump on one of the chains in front of you. When both characters have pulled the chains, you will see the minikit piece.
- From the position of the last minikit, walk to the left and hit the two targets on the wall. Go up the ladder behind the door that just opened, and you will get another bottle.
- Go back the way you came and cross the bridge you just moved. From here, head left to find a small character door. Go through it to find another ship in a bottle.
- Inside the steam baths, forge the two wheels near the back of the room. Now turn the left wheel twice, and the right wheel three times. This will connect the pipes above the wheels and give you a minikit piece.
- The last minikit can be found after come out from the baths. Get through the gate and across the water. Here you will find a block of ice being held up. Shoot the target to release it and sing/scream to break it open. When the fish you just released jumps back in the water, you will see the minikit piece.
Davy Jones’ Locker
- Use the compass at the beginning of the level to find a crate buried in the sand. Dig it up for the minikit piece.
- When you have found the boat, climb up the left hand palm tree to get the bottle on top of it.
- Before you put the Pearl back together, use the grab rail and climb up the rigging. at the top, jump onto the left mast to collect the minikit.
- Once you are below deck, sing or scream in front of the glass cabinet at the back of the room.
- Head down to the bottom deck and use the compass to find a crate for Blackbeard. Dig it up and have Blackbeard open it to get the minikit out.
- On the top deck of the Pearl, use the compass to find a lever and use it near the door to the Captain’s quarter. Go inside the door when it is open, pick up the cursed coin on the end of the table. This will make the bottle appear for you to collect.
- Walk towards the screen and head all the way to the front of the screen. Climb down the ladder and forge the wheel. Now turn it and the anchor will spring up, bringing a bottle with it.
- When you pull the lever to help out Mr Cotton, you will also drop a cage on deck. Destroy the cage to get the minikit from inside.
- Up on the mast where the lever was to help Mr Cotton, you can walk to the left side of the rigging and use a female character to jump up and get the minikit piece.
- Near the front of the ship, where the ladder is, smash open the hatch and drop down inside to get the last bottle.
Norrington’s Choice
- Use the seaweed door so you can head all the way to the right and you will find a bottle at the front of the ship.
- Destroy the barrel of clams on the right side of the ship and a hatch will open, streaming water out of it. Jump onto the stream and you will rise up to a minikit piece.
- Destroy 5 clams around the ship.
- The first clam is right where you started the level.
- A second clam will be behind you when you first get below deck.
- The third clam is on the second deck down, at the back near the ladder.
- The fourth clam is on the fourth deck down.
- The last clam can be found when you get off the Dutchman and are on the top deck of the new ship.
- You will also need to find four tentacles in barrels. Use a torch to get rid of each tentacle.
- When you first get below deck, there is a tentacle to the right.
- There are two more tentacles on the second deck down.
- The last tentacle is on the fourth deck down.
- When you first drop below deck, you will see two cannons at the back of the room. Head down one deck and grab a torch, then shoot the cannons. When you are using the cannons, you will see lots of debris in the water. Amongst all this, there are ten barrels of dynamite which you must shoot to get the minikit. You will need to use both cannons to get them all.
- Head down to the fourth deck down and destroy the dynamite you see as you enter. Behind it is a small character door, which you can use to reach a minikit piece.
- In the same area as the last minikit piece, break the pane of glass on the floor and drop below the floor. Walk to the left to pick up the bottle.
- When you are back outside the boat, go all the way around the outside, to the other end. Now use a female character to jump up and use the grab rail. Jump to the one above and shimmy right to get the minikit.
- On the top deck of the second ship, use the compass to find a lever. Place the lever in the mechanism and go through the door it opens. In the new room, smash the desk in the middle of the room to find the minikit piece.
- Also on the deck of the second ship, forge the mechanism in the corner and a hatch will open. Drop inside for the last minikit piece.
The Brethren Court
- After building the statue for the first pirate lord, use explosives to destroy it.
- To help one of the pirate lords, you will need to use a cannon to open a chest. When you have done this, destroy the chest to find a small character door. Go through it to find the minikit piece.
- After finding all the wigs for one of the lords, a target will appear above the lift when they have gone through it. Hit the target, then switch to a female character and use the grab rail to get a minikit.
- After getting the barrel out of the maze, and pouring some wine for the pirate lord, a compass marker will appear. use this to get a strong character handle to appear and pull it. This will get the maze to change and you will need to do it again. When the second barrel drops out of the maze, you will get a minikit piece.
- Head all the way to the right and you will find a pier leading towards the screen. head down there and use the sword mechanism to reveal a target. Shoot the target and you will have access to a couple of cannons. Use the torch nearby to arm the cannon and you will be faced with six targets. Hit them all and the minikit will appear, ready for you to go and pick it up.
- When you have completed the dance routine on the disco floor, have two female character pull the chains again and you will be shown a more complicated dance. Pull this off and you will get another bottle.
- After raising the boat to help the stranded pirate lord, use Blackbeard to drop it into the water below. Now jump in the boat and row around to the right. Here you will find a little cove with the minikit inside.
- When you have travelled up the lift with the last pirate lord, use the compass to find the barrel ride. Jump on and ride it down the the bottom to get the minikit piece.
- When all pirate lords are around the table at last, destroy the silver blocks in the left corner and go through to a new area. In here, use the compass marker to find a cabinet. Sing or scream to break the cabinet and get the minikit.
- When you are trying to retrieve the book, you will see a seaweed door in the room with the skeletons. Use this to reach the last minikit piece.
The Maelstrom
- There are five silver barrels throughout the level that need to be destroyed.
- The first is on deck when you are trying to find the pieces of eight.
- The second barrel can be found on the right side of the deck, during the Maelstrom.
- The third barrel is on the left, during the Maelstrom. Use the seaweed door to get to it.
- To get the fourth can be found by the seaweed door on the left of the Dutchman’s deck, to get up onto another part of the deck. Drop down to the bit on the right and you will see the clam.
- The last clam can be found in the middle of the Dutchman’s deck, jumping around behind the mast.
- After using the telescope to get the life ring, use it again. This time you must find the pirate on the right, behind a staircase. When you find him, he will give you a minikit piece.
- There are also, five clams to be destroyed throughout the level.
- The first one is up by the ship’s bell, on the right hand side.
- A second clam can be found during the Maelstrom. Use the seaweed door on the left to get to it.
- There is a third crab on the right hand side of the deck, during the Maelstrom.
- A fourth barrel can be found in the middle of the deck, on the Dutchman.
- The last one is also on the Dutchman. Use Jacks rope pulley to get up onto the mast, then drop down to find the barrel.
- On the right hand side, there is a large, glass shelter. Sing or scream to smash it open and collect the minikit from inside.
- Use Blackbeard to break the three lamps on the rear of the ship. (On the right hand side of the level)
- During the Maelstrom, use Jack’s rope pulley on the right to get up onto the mast. Change into one of the Dutchman’s crew and grab an apple. Now use the seaweed door on the left and give the apple to the guy hanging around. He will give you a minikit piece in exchange.
- Also during the Maelstrom, head all the way to the right side of the ship. Jump down here and you will find a chest for Blackbeard to break open and get the minikit piece.
- After using the crane on the right hand side of the ship, during the Maelstrom, use it again, twice. When you have spun the wheel enough times, a strong character handle will appear. Pull the handle to get a minikit piece.
- Before you destroy the three spots on the Dutchman with the cannons, use the one ont he right to destroy the cage hanging from the rear of the Dutchman. This will drop three ducks into the water. Use each cannon to destroy one duck. When all three ducks have been destroyed, the bottle will appear on the deck behind you.
- When you get on to the Dutchman, you will wind up next to a silver object. Destroy it, then use Blackbeard on the hatch beside it. Next, destroy the glass that was beneath the hatch and build the Lego bricks into a handle. Push the handle to wind the device and this will call the Kraken. The Kraken will then throw a minikit piece on deck for you to collect.
London Town
- In the first room of the level, use explosives to destroy six silver suits of armour. They are all on the ground floor, but one of them will need to be built first.
- Also in this room, go to the right hand wall and use a female character to jump up the grab rails and get a minikit.
- When you have dislodged the chandelier, scream or sing to break the glass window and get a minikit piece.
- When you get into the next corridor, use the compass to find a blue/green lever. This will actually lead you to some silver objects, which will need to be destroyed first. Build the lever up and put it in the right place, half way down the corridor. Now push the handle to reveal a trap door, which you can walk through to get the minikit.
- After sliding down the rope, while out on the ledges, walk around to the right and use Syrena to break the glass windows. Inside this new room, move the two statues into place, either side of the door at the back of the room. When they are both in place, the door will open to reveal a minikit piece.
- During the horse and cart chase, you will need to shoot a target to get onto the cart in front. When you get onto it, use Blackbeard to break open the cart and drop down to get the bottle.
- Still during the chase, before crossing the gangplank that you made, jump to the cart behind and use explosives to break open the silver chest.
- When you do cross the gangplank, use Syrena to break open the cart you are stood on. You will fall through and get the minikit piece.
- In the first room of the tavern, go upstairs and shoot the target to release a keg. Use the sword mechanisms to get the keg down to you, then pick it up and carry it down to the bar. When you place it on the bar, it will turn into a minikit piece.
- In the second room of the tavern, use the lift to get to the top level and use explosives on the chain holding the keg up. When it drops down, push it off the edge to the level below. As it hits the floor, it will break and release a minikit piece.
Queen Anne’s Revenge
- In the first part of the level, go all the way to the right and use the strong character handle, next to the Blackbeard door. This will break open the crate and release the minikit piece.
- Next to the last minikit, get through the door using Blackbeard, then destroy the silver objects at the bottom of the stairs. Go up them and take the lever form the skeleton’s hands. Go back downstairs and place it on the mechanism, then use it to open the hatch nearby so you can get the minikit.
- From the last minikit, go back upstairs and smash the glass object in the corner to get another minikit piece.
- On the second deck up, go all the way to the right and get through the Blackbeard door. Pull both of the strong character handles on the cannons to revel a bottle.
- On the top deck, head all the way to the left and drop down over the edge, onto the front of the ship. Now use the compass to make a minikit piece appear.
- On deck, there are four cannons that will shoot at you constantly. Beside each one is a skeleton. Hit each skeleton to knock off it’s head, and stuff the skulls into the ends of the cannons. When all four cannons are out of action, you will get a minikit.
- Forge the broken mechanism in the middle of the deck, then use it to raise a boat with a chest on. Use Blackbeard to open the chest and get the minikit.
- When you have gotten to the right hand side of the ship, smash the glass block in the corner and use Jack’s rope pulley. Now switch to a female character and jump up to grab the rope. When you have slid to the end, walk along the plank to get the minikit.
- Still on the right side of the ship, drop down behind Blackbeard and pull the strong character handle to get into a new room. In here, climb the Lego bits on the back wall and monkey climb along the ceiling to drop down more bricks. Build these, then slide them to the right. Use Blackbeard on the new gate that you just exposed, and you will see a minikit.
- For the last minikit, switch to Blackbeard and run along the top deck and through the door beneath the other Blackbeard. In here, find the ruby in the chest on the right, and place it onto the music box beside the curtains. Switch to a singing character, such as Philip, and sing so the music box plays. This will make the curtains open so you can get the bottle from behind it.
White Cap Bay
- When you use Jack’s rope launch move, walk around the back of the lighthouse, out of sight, and you will pick up a bottle.
- At the start of the level, destroy the silver planks behind you to get a bottle from behind it.
- Go through the opening you made to get the last minikit and you will come out in a new area. Use the compass to find a minikit and you will be lead to a castle, buried in the sand. Dig it up and sing or scream, to break it open.
- In the same area as the last minikit, pick up the torch from the right hand side and use it to get rid of the tentacle in the barrel. Now, hit the barrel to get a minikit piece.
- In the far left hand corner, towards the screen, there is a glass object. Break it open to get the minikit form inside.
- Also in the left hand corner of this part of the level, there is a small character door, behind some Lego bricks. Destroy the bricks and go through it, then walk to the right to pick up another bottle.
- Use a cursed character to go underwater. Head to the right and you will find some Lego bricks on the floor. Build them onto the starfish and a chest will drop down. Open the chest for the minikit piece.
- On the right, tucked a little behind the lighthouse, there is a pile of bricks on a ledge, that need to be forged. To reach the bricks, use a female character to jump up from the water below. Forge the bricks and you will raise a large clam. The clam will open it’s mouth and give you a bottle.
- Use Jack’s rope pulley to get up onto the lighthouse, then change to Blackbeard and open the panel on the right hand side. Go through into a new room and break the bricks on the left as you enter. Build those onto the pipes and liquid will start to flow through them. Get both characters to use the sword mechanisms and hold them there until the jar in the middle of the room fills with liquid and the minikit piece appears.
- Go up to the top floor of the lighthouse and find a spot for a female character to jump on, on the left hand side. As you jump up you will grab a rail. From here, swing to the right and jump onto the rafters. Now walk round them to pick up the last minikit piece.
A Spanish Legacy
- At the back of the room you start in, there is a barrel resting on a silver grate. Break it and drop down into the hull. Walk across the beams in front of you very carefully. When you get to the other end, you can pick up a minikit piece.
- When you get up to the next deck, hit the skeleton in the bed repeatedly, until a bottle appears on the bed.
- When you have pushed the piano down the ship, stand in front of it and press Y. This will make your character play the piano, which you can do until a minikit appears.
- When you reach the island, use the seaweed door in the water, on the left hand side. This will take you to a minikit piece.
- From where you start on the island, head to the right and use a female character to jump up and grab a rope, dropping a gangplank in the process. Cross the plank and walk up a little way. Now, jump up and grab the rope here and you will slide across, grabbing a minikit along the way.
- When you reach the campsite, use Blackbeard to open the left hand tent, on the back wall. This will reveal a minikit.
- When you reach the cannons, to the left of them, there are some planks. Pull the strong character handle to extend them, then cross the gangplank. Climb the palm tree on the other side to find a bottle on the top.
- In the same area as the last minikit piece, there are some red flowers near a rock. You will need to get all the flowers down, before they start to pop back up again. This can be tricky and is best done with explosives. Just spam the flowers with bombs until you get them all down at the same time and the bottle will appear.
- After using the cannon, go through the gate and head to the right. here you will see some small platforms with silver objects on top. Destroy the objects on each platform, as you cross them. Once you are over, climb the back wall and walk round to the right to find a minikit.
- After crossing the bridge that you built, use the compass to find a minikit bottle in the sand and dig it up.
The Fountain of Youth
- There are five silver barrels that you will need to destroy with explosives. These are spread out through the level.
- The first one can be found next to Blackbeard at the start of the level, on the left.
- Use the female jump spot on the right hand side of the clearing and the barrel is on the ledge.
- The third barrel is in the room with the fountain of youth. It is tucked away in the left hand corner, towards the screen.
- A fourth one can be found in much the same way. Only this time, it is in the right hand corner, towards the screen.
- The last barrel is at the back of the room, on the right. Use the strong character handle to move the rubble out of your way and the barrel is behind it.
- On the right hand side of the clearing, there is a target. Hit it and a parrot will fly away, leaving behind a toy dinosaur. Take this back to the man waiting just beyond where Blackbeard was. He will send a minikit downstream after he runs away.
- There are five small brown plants that you will need to destroy to get this minikit piece. The problem is, they pop down into the ground when you get near them. Use a ranged weapon to hit each one. When you get all five, the minikit will appear near the female jump spot on the right.
- Next to Blackbeard and his buddies, at the start of the level.
- Next to where you place the telescope.
- By the female jump spot on the right side of the clearing.
- On top of the ledge, above the female jump spot.
- The last one is beneath the starting point of the water on the wall.
- Inside the cave, there are three groups of bats that you must knock off the ceiling with a ranged weapon.
- The first set are just inside the cave entrance.
- The next group are all the way to the right, near some skulls on webs.
- The final group are on the wall, near the pool of water, on the right.
- Inside the cave, head all the way to the right and forge the bellows. Jump up and down on them until all the Lego pieces have fallen off the web. Now build them up into a spider and you can ride it. When you do, spiders will begin to jump out of panels on the walls. Destroy each one as it comes and, when you have destroyed enough, the minikit will appear.
- Between the panels that the spiders came out of, there are some glass crystals. Sing or scream to clear them out and go through to a new area. In here there are six mermaid statues that you must hit, to put a hat on each one. When all six are wearing hats, you will get a minikit piece.
- In the same area as the last minikit, there is a totem on the right hand wall, with three coloured markings on them. Around the garden, there are also three jest of water with rocks next to them. Each one has a little stone next to it with on of those coloured markings on it. You must place the rocks over the water, in the same order as the markings on the totem. To make it easy for you, start with the red one on the left, then the blue one at the back, and finally, the green one on the right. This will make a bottle appear.
- Just beyond the pool of water in the cave, there is a crate with a strong character handle on it. Pull the crate apart to get the minikit.
- When you get to the fountain of youth, walk to the right, following the wall. You will find a crate for Blackbeard to open and get the bottle.
- At the back of the room, on the right hand side, there is a strong character handle that you can pull to move some debris out of your way. When you get past it, sing or scream to destroy the cabinet in the corner. Now build the pieces into levers and you will see some mini ships for you to play with. Spin one of the wheels and you will take control of one of the ships. Waves of red ships will appear in the water and you need to destroy them all to get the bottle.
Please be sure to include important details in the walkthroughs. For example when playing Queen Anne’s revenge level. You mention dropping down behind Blackbeard to access a hidden area where there is a bottle. You failed to mention however, that you can only drop down behind Blackbeard if using the Blackbeard character, otherwise the NPC Blackbeard will blast you back to the other part of the ship.
very helpful, thanks a lot!