In place of the usual gold bricks in every Lego game, this one has Mithril bricks. You are in Middle-earth after all, and mithril is a sought after material. There are 250 bricks to collect, and you will need them all if you want to craft all the mithril treasure items in the game. When you first find a brick, it will be added to a bag, but will not be added to your overall total of mithril bricks until you have used the to craft an item. To know how many bricks you have found in total, you will need to add the number of bricks in your bag, to the number of bricks out of 250 that you can see in the right hand corner of the screen in the pause menu.
Many bricks will be gained automatically by completing certain tasks. These include, completing a level, reaching true adventurer on a level, completing a fetch quest, and finding the treasure items within a level. However, there are many more that you need to find while roaming around Middle-earth. This guide will help you to collect all these bricks. We start with a list of how many bricks you can get by completing the tasks that automatically award you with one brick. After that, there is a list of how to get each brick within a certain area of the map. The guide will tell you what area you can find the brick in, such as Hobbiton or Bree, but will not list the specific location. This is because they are all clearly marked on the map and can be found easily by clicking on them in the map, then following a trail of ghost studs. If the brick is a little trickier to find, then this guide will give a clearer picture on how to find them.
Level Complete:
True Adventurer:
Minikit Complete:
Treasure Items Found:
Blacksmith Design Found:
Fetch Quest Complete:
- Hit four targets with arrows, when the targets are uncovered. Some of the targets are only uncovered for a second or two. Target them by pressing and holding the X button. Hold the crosshairs over the target and release the second it is uncovered.
- Destroy a Morgul brick padlock on a large, brown chest.
- Jump on a pig and ride it through the two posts in front of you. This will start a timer and other pairs of posts. Run through each pair before time runs out, and when you get to he end you will get the brick.
- Have Gimli break through the large, cracked rock near the party tree.
- Have Sam plant a seedling on top of one of the hobbit holes near the party tree.
- Hit 10 moles before the timer runs out.
- Light the fireworks at the party, at night time.
- Light a bonfire for the Hobbits playing with sparklers, at night time.
- Behind the row of Hobbit-holes that lines the river, there are some very tall posts. One of the hobbit-holes around the back has platforms beside it that will allow you to get up onto its roof. From there you can use an arrow hole to get some even higher platforms. At the top of these one there is a tightrope that you can walk along to get a brick.
- Move the small column of bricks along the sliding floor until it drops into place. This will raise many other columns that you can climb up to get the brick out of the large chest at the top.
- Find the cracked brick in the floor, near a pond and have Gimli break it open to reveal a fishing pier. Fish in the pond to pull out a key, which will open a padlock on the other side of the pond. You will need to jump on the narrow beams of wood in the water. Cross these to get to the door and unlock the padlock. Now head inside and break open the Morgul bricks to get the Mithril brick.
- Get a high jumping character to climb up the side of a building using the grab rails. When you are on the roof you will be able to work your way around the town by walking along the narrow beams and tightropes. When you get to the end you will find a brick.
- Hit the five targets that are in a houses back garden. When you have knocked down all five you will get the brick.
- Shoot arrows into the holes along the side of the Prancing Pony Inn, then have a high jumper swing across the to get the brick.
- Turn the crank on the forge outside the blacksmiths.
- Use the small character hatch on the right side of the Prancing Pony.
- Dig up three skeletons outside the town, and put them back together.
- Outside in the marshes, find a tree near the edge of a hill. If you look closely you will see some grab rails up the side of the tree. Use these to get onto some vines, which will lead you to the brick.
- Also in the marshes there is a little cave with a locked chest in it. You will need to find the key, which is in a dig spot to the west of the cave.
- In a hillside there is an orange handle that can be pulled to open the way into a crypt. go inside and head to the right. You will find yourself in another room which has a Mithril padlock on the left. Blow it up to get the brick.
- Still in the same crypte there are some grab rails along the wall of the first room. Jump onto those, then onto the vine that is hanging down nearby. Start to swing back and forth on the vine until you can jump off to the left to get the brick.
- Still in the same crypt, but back in the second room, there is a seedling that Sam can plant, in the corner. Bounce on the plant that you have grown and you can grab a vine that is hanging down. Swing back and forth until you can reach the grab rail that is on the right side of the vine. (It may be a bit hard to see but it is just to the left of the narrow beam.) move to the right side of the grab rail and drop down onto the narrow beam that runs along the wall. Walk to the end of the beam and you will find a chain that Legolas can walk across to get the brick.
- To get the last brick in this room you will need to come here at night. Re-enter the room and you will see some small, white scorpions. Hit one and a timer will start. You must hit 9 more of the scorpions before the time runs out.
- On the waters edge there is a cracked brick, quite high up. Throw Gimli to break it open, then have Sam grow a plant at the base of the rock. You can then bounce off the plant to jump up and get the brick.
- Inside a cave at the foot of Weathertop, there is a goat. Jump on it and head out of the cave where you will see two black and white posts. Run through these posts and a time will start, while other sets of posts will appear. Run through each set before the timer runs out, and the course will lead you to the brick.
- There is a brick protected by a portcullis that can only be raised with a crank. To find the crank head to the river that runs opposite this brick. Along the waters edge there is a fishing pier that you can use to get the crank. Take this back and turn it to open the portcullis and get the brick.
- To get the brick that is shown on the map, amongst the hills, you will need to get across a pond. Use the rope hook on the first lily pad, and hit the target on the second one. When they have both turned over, use them to get to a column of rock in the middle. Have Gimli break the cracked rock and it will lower the column and raise some more lily pads. Use the new pads to get to the other side of the pond. Now you are across you will need to fire arrows into the arrow holes, then swing across them to reach the tightrope. When you are on the tightrope, walk along it until you are level with the brick, then press B to drop down onto it.
- On one side of the river there is a Lego cave that is on fire. You can either cross the river to fill a bucket, or equip the Mithril Bottomless Bucket which is always full. Now put the fire out and have Gandalf or Frodo light up the cave to find the brick.
- Dig it up in a tunnel that sits between Weathertop and Rivendell.
- To the left of the room that Frodo stayed in, there is a small ramp. Stand on the end of the ramp and have a tall character throw Gimli at the cracked wall on the tower nearby. This will reveal a target for you to hit with an arrow. Doing this will reveal platforms leading around the tower, which you can use to get the brick.
- One of the bricks in Rivendell will need you to work your way up a hill to it. At the bottom of the hill there is a cracked brick. When you hit this brick with Gimli, it will raise a column of rock up, which you can use to get onto a higher slope. Follow this up and you will find a target. Hit the target and a bridge will stretch across the gap. Cross here and follow the path round to a balcony. Have Gimli come down on the box you find here, to reveal the brick.
- Near the sire of the Council of Elrond look for a rope hook that you can use to reach a grab rail. The grab rails will allow you to get on top of a short tower. From here, have a high jumper use he platforms to reach a beam that runs along the middle of the roof. You can then walk along the roof to reach some arrows, which in turn will lead you to the brick.
- Inside a cave behind the waterfall, there is a Gollum wall. Climb to the top and you can jump onto a slope that leads back outside. In the mouth of the opening there is a seedling for Sam to plant, which grows a bouncy leaf. Use the leaf to reach a grab rail above the opening, then jump on top of the opening itself. here you can have Gimli destroy the cracked brick to reveal the brick.
- Tucked away near where the Council of Elrond happened, there is a grey crate with a Morgul padlock on it. Break it open and hit the crate once to open it and collect the brick.
- Near the waters edge there is an orange handle on a gate that blocks the entrance to a large cave. Inside you will find three large Lego heads and a crank that is missing its handle. In the left corner of the room, there is a small pool of water that you can fill a bucket form. When you have a full bucket, jump on the bouncy leaf nearby and grab the vine above. Jump to the next vine, then onto the first head to put out the fire. This raises the head you are stood on and reveals some Lego objects. Break open the brown crate to find the handle for the crank. Head back to the crank and use the handle to raise the head on the right. This reveals a small character hatch that you can use to gain access to a rope hook on top of the middle head. Pull on the rope hook to raise the middle head and reveal a grey crate. Break this open to get the brick.
- On the cliff face near the water, there are some arrow holes. Shoot an arrow into the lowest one down, then look slightly further up the wall to see a Lego rock. Break this and put another arrow into the new hole you just uncovered. Swing across the arrows and jump off the third one to land on a grab rail. Drop down from the rail and you will land on a tightrope underneath you. Follow the rope and subsequent trail until you are at the end and can see the wall with the arrows in it. Looking above the ones you already used, you will see another arrow hole and rock. Destroy the rock and fill the two arrow holes, just as you did before. Head back to the wall and use the new arrows to reach a higher ledge. Here you will need to destroy a large rock to reveal a small character hatch. Go through this to find a new platform. You will be able to see the brick, but not collect it. There are breakable statues up here, which you must destroy before the timer runs out. However, not all the statues count towards your target. You only need to destroy the six statues that are carrying Elven Lutes. You don’t have long between each statue but it is doable.
- Go behind the waterfall and head up a slope to find a Gollum wall. Head up the wall to another slope where you will find a tightrope for an elf to walk across. At the end of the tightrope there are some arrow holes. You need to jump from the tightrope, onto these arrows, and then onto a vine. I had real trouble getting onto the vine but found that there was a small ledge just to the left of the last arrow. If you jump onto this ledge and then onto the vine, you are more likely to grab it. All you need to do then is to swing back and forth on the vine until it swings high enough for you to jump off and get the brick.
The Pass of Caradhras
- Blow up the Mithril gate to reach the brick behind.
- Break open the Morgul padlock on the portcullis, near the water.
- Destroy the cracked rock, on the small island in the water.
- On the larger island in the water, there is a small, grey cave. break the Morgul bricks at the opening, then light up the cave to find the brick.
- Along the waters edge there are two steering wheels, side by side. Press B while stood in front of one and you will take control of a small boat. Other boats will appear, which you must destroy by firing your cannons (pressing X). Destroy all waves of ships to get the brick.
- To the right of the entrance to the mines of moria, there are some grey bricks that you can jump onto to get up to a tightrope. Walk to the end of the tightrope and you will be able to get onto the broken aquaduct. At the end there are some Morgul bricks which you can destroy to get the brick.
- In the far north there are some small ruins. Amongst these ruins there is a rope hook that you can use to reach some grab rails. From these rails you need to grab a tight rope, (not with an elf as you need to be on the bottom of the rope, not the top). Now shimmy along the rope to collect the brick.
- Still in the same ruins as the last brick, move to the cliff face at the back of this small area. There are three arrow holes which you can use to swing across and get the brick.
- Climb a short Gollum wall to reach a small character hatch. Go through the hatch and use Gimli (or the Golden Axe) ro break the cracked brick and get the brick.
- Find the small body of water in west part of this area. You will be able to jump across small platforms in the water, but they will sink once you have stood on them so don’t linger. Keep jumping across each part, and walk along the plank that you come to. From here, walk along the tightrope to the cliff face, then jump along the rocks to the arrow holes. You can then use these to get to a small ledge with a cracked brick for Gimli to break open and get the brick.
- Light up a small, dark cave to the south of the save point.
- Up in the platforms of Lothlorien itself there is a room with a bookcase. To the right of the bookcase you can jump through an opening to another platform. From there you can jump onto a tightrope and walk to the end. Here there is an arrow hole that you can use to swing out and get the brick.
- Near the entrance to Lothlorien, there is a brick surrounded by five plants. You need to destroy all five plants to be able to collect the brick. Each plant will take four hits before it is destroyed, which doesn’t leave you with much room for mistakes, but it is doable.
- Pick Gimli up and throw him at the cracked brick behind the small waterfall.
- In a clearing in the northern part of Lothlorien, have Sam plant a seedling, which will grow in to a tall flower. You can then use this flower to reach a tightrope that will lead you to some small platforms. Jump across these to get to the brick.
- A little further north from the last brick, there is a large, brown chest with a Mithril padlock on it. Blow up the padlock, then hit the chest to open it and reveal the brick.
Amon Hen
- Climb the steps of Amon Hen and you will find 7 statues at the top. Destroy one fo these statues and a timer will start. You have about 5 seconds between destroying each statue, to reach and destroy the next one. You have to destroy all 7 before time runs out, to be able to collect the brick.
- Near the last brick there is another that is surrounded by moles. You need to play a game of Whack-a-Mole to earn this brick. Hit one of the moles and another timer will start. This time you will have a fixed timer in which you must hit 10 of these moles, before you can collect the brick.
- Also near the last brick, there is a large brown rock, with a smaller Mithril rock in front of it. Blow up the Mithril rock, then have Gimli destroy the cracked rock behind it, so you can get the brick.
- Next to the canoes at the waters edge, there is a portcullis that you must raise by hitting the target above it. When you have opened it, go inside and hit the crate top open it and get the brick.
- Near the last brick, there is a crank with a missing handle. Use the fishing pier to get the handle out of the water, then open the gate and head inside. Start by hitting the target with an arrow, then move the block you just freed along the path and to the right, until you cannot move it any further. Have Gimli come down on the cracked brick on the raised part of this track, to lower it. You can now push the block on a bit further, then take it all the way to the left or the right. Now go back and move the block to the left of where the last one was when you began. Push this one along the track until you come to the cross junction, then go the other way to the last brick, until it too is in place at the end of the track. Now blow up the mithril rocks at the back of the cave, and move a third block from the right to the left. When each block is in place, a fire will be lit nearby. When all three are lit, the brick will appear in the middle of the room.
- At the waters edge, near the Argonath there is a Gollum wall. Climb the wall and go through the small character hatch at the top. Once through, you can climb some more walls to get on top of the Argonath itself. Hit the crossbow at the top to fire the arrow and create a tightrope. You can then walk across to the other statue and collect the brick.
- Also near the Argonath, go back to the water and find some lily pads with targets on them. Hit each one with an arrow to flip it over, then use them to reach the brick that is out in the water.
- To the right of the fishing pier there are some canoes. Use one of these to get to the other side of the the river. Running along the side of the cliff there is a plank you can use to get around to a small cove. At the back of this cove there is a small crate which you can destroy to get another brick.
Emyn Muil
- Light up the small cave near the save point to reveal the brick.
- Slightly further down the path there is a large rock with a rope hook on it. Pull it to break the rock and reveal the brick.
- On the front of the Golden Hall there is an arrow hole. Use this to swing yourself up to a grab rail, then shimmy along to get the brick.
- Down the hill at the back of the town, there is a place for you to light a fire. This will burn the wood away and reveal the brick.
- Outside the city, against the city wall itself, there is a small cave. Light it up to reveal the brick.
- Also near the city wall, there is a cracked brick that Gimli can break through for another mithril brick.
- On a hill near the last brick, there are five piles of Uruk heads. You need to destroy each pile before the time runs out. This can be tricky to do, but using Legolas can be helpful if you can get a clear shot of one that would probably take longer to run to.
- Head back across the bridge and follow the walls of Edoras around until you find a plot of crops. Dig up the soil patches until you find a crank handle. When you pick up the handle, a small yellow arrow will appear on screen. Follow it to find the crank that the handle belongs to, then turn it to open a portcullis. Inside there is a key which you can pick up to get another arrow. This time it will lead you across the river to a boarded up hole in the side of a hill. Break through these and use the key on the padlock inside to get the brick.
- At night time, head outside the city and towards Dunharrow. On a hill between the two you will be attacked by soldiers of the dead (if you are in control of a good character). You must detroy 15 of them within the time limit to get the brick.
- Head through Fanghorn forest and come out the other end. At the foot of a hill there is another game of whack-a-mole for you to complete. Hit 7 of them before time runs out to get the brick.
Helm's Deep
- On top of the battlements inside the keep, there are 7 statues to destroy before time runs out.
- Pull the orange handle at the back of the keep to give you access to a block. Move the block to the right so you can use the small character hatch on the wall. As soon as you go through, you will get the brick.
- At the top of the stairs that lead up from on top of the Deeping Wall, there is a mithril gate. Blow it up to get the brick behind.
- Behind the Deeping Wall, there is a long set of stairs that leads up to a rope hook. Use the hook to get onto a platform, which you can use to reach a Gollum Wall. Climb the wall and keep heading up until you have used the arrow hole to reach a grab rail. From the grab rail you can reach some small planks to help you get into the tower. In ehre you only need to light a fire to reveal the brick.
- At the top of the causeway leading into the keep, drop off to the right and walk towards the cliff face. There are some Morgul bricks to destroy for another mithril one.
- Behind the Deeping Wall there are a few wooden structures. Jump onto the one on the far left. If you look at the side of the mountain, there is a wooden structure with a target on it. hit the target and a few more will start popping out. Hit them all to reveal the brick, then turn around and jump across the wooden structures to get to the brick.
- Just outside Helms Deep, there is a lone white horse. Jump on it and head through the two race posts to start the timer. You must then go through each set of posts before the timers runs out, and make it to the end of the race to win the brick. If you find it hard to spot the next set of posts, keep your eyes peeled for a wooden arrow on a post. These will point you in the right direction.
- Outside of Isengard there is a small waterfall. In front of that waterfall there is a fishing pier. Fish away and you will get a crank handle. Follow the on screen arrow to the crank and turn the handle to open a little portcullis and get the brick.
- There are five cranks inside Isengard that must be turned to earn this brick. There are two on the floor, one fo which you will need to put out a fire on first. You can find some water on the left, near the wall, if you don’t have the Bottomless Mithril Bucket. There are two more cranks on the walls, one of which will need you to dig up the handle from a nearby soil patch. The final crank is on a platform, next to the tower. You will need to use the rope hook on the side of the tower to get across to the crank. When you have turned all five, the brick will be washed out with the river as it runs down the channels.
- At the base of the tower, there is an arrow hole. Use this to get to a grab rail. Use the grab rails to get to a rope. From the rope, walk along the plank runnign around the tower, to find a small character hatch. Go through this and climb the Gollum wall at the other end. From the wall, jump onto the rope and use that to reach another ledge. While on the ledge, change to an elf character and then use two more grab rails to reach another ledge. Go through the small character hatch and jump up to get the brick.
- Before getting off the tower from collecting the last brick, get down to the small character hatch you just came through. Now you need to drop off the right side of this ledge and try to stay close to the right wall, to collect the brick as you fall past. This one really frustrated me as I had to fall over, and over, and over, before I got it. I really can only recommend perseverance as I have not found a better way of getting this brick.
- On a hill outside Isengard there is a big pile of rocks. Destroy the ones that are blocking the entrance to a small cave, then light it up to find the brick inside.
- Enter Isengard at night and you will be attacked by Uruk Hai. Kill 10 of them before time runs out.
The Dead Marshes
- In the west part of the marshes, there are a series of poles sticking out of the water. You need to jump form on to the other to get the brick at the end.
- On one of the island in the south, there is a small, dark cave. Light it up to find the brick inside.
- Plant a seedling on an island in the east, then break open the egg you grow to get teh brick.
- Visit the marshes at night and you can find three, dancing soldiers of the dead. Hit all three to get the brick.
- In the norther part of the marshes, there is a large chest with a Morgul padlock on it. Break the padlock and hit the chest to open it.
- Near the last brick there is a prebuilt bonfire. Set it alight to burn the wood and reveal the brick.
- In the north-east area, there are some moving platforms in the water. Use these to get to some wooden structures, some of which are also moving. Jump across all these, then use the grab rails at the end to reach the brick.
- In the very south of the marshes, there are some rocks sticking out the water for you to jump across. When you reach the island at the other end, there are 7 bushes that must be destroyed before time runs out.
The Black Gate
- Near the dead marshes, there is a large, grey Lego structure with a Gollum wall running up one side. Climb up and have Gimli smash through the roof to the brick below.
- North of the gate, there are two blocks on slidable floors. Blow up the mirthil rocks that are blocking the path, then move both bricks to the other end. When they are in place, they will lower two platforms. You can jump up these platforms to the top, where you must destroy some Morgul bricks.
- The left hand tower of the gate itself has three rope hooks on it. You can use these hooks to reach another brick.
- On Mordors side of the gate you will be attacked by orcs. You must kill 20 of them before time runs out.
- Near where the orcs attack you, there are some mithril rocks. Blow these up to reveal the brick.
- If you look at the cliff face on the right, you will see a brick on a ledge. To the left of that ledge there is a gate with an orange handle. Pull the handle and go into the cave, where you will find a rock with a rope hook on it. Pull this to break the rock and get the brick.
- From the last brick, head up the planks of wood to a ledge above. There is another rope hook which will pull a bridge out for you to cross and get the brick you saw earlier.
- To the left of the tower of Barad-dur, there are some wooden structures. The lowest one hasa Morgul brick on it. Destroy this and the platform will lower enough for you to jump up onto it. At the top you will be faced with small posts that you need to jump across. This is very annoying if you choose the wrong character. Make sure you are not using a high jumper as they will often miss the pole. When you reach the other end, destroy the Morgul bricks to get the brick.
- Right near the last brick there are some more Morgul bricks on the floor. Destroy these too to get another brick.
- Between the gate and the tower you will find a block on a slidable floor. Destroy the black rocks that are blocking the path, then push the block to the end so it sits under the hatch. Head through the small character hatch, then jump up to get the brick.
- Near the last brick there is a mithril gate in the cliff face. Blow this up and go through the tunnel to a Gollum wall. Climb the wall to get the brick.
- A short distance form the last mithril gate there is another one. Blow this one up too, then fill a bucket before heading into the cave. In here you will see a fire blazing. Put it out then climb the ladder. Now walk along the plank to get the brick.
- A short distance from the entrance to Barad-dur, there is a series of moving platforms along the rock face. You will need to jump ascross these to get to the brick.
- South west of the tower there are two high rocks with a tightrope running between them. At the base of one there is a crank, and the handle can be found by destroying the rock next to the crank. Have an elf jump up the platforms and walk across the tightrope to the brick at the other end.
Minas Tirith
- Go to the top of the city and hit the white tree a couple of times until the brick appears above it. Then just jump up and get it.
- At the top of the city, there is a seedling for Sam to plant, at the base of a tower. You can bounce off the plant that grows, onto a grab rail on the side of the tower. Use the grab rails to scale the tower, and light the beacon at the top to get the brick.
- North of the city there is a wooden platform that you can stand on and shoot some targets. You need to hit them all, which will mean moving to each end of the platform you are on, to get the brick.
- As you come out of the city gates, head to the right where you will find a horse and cart. Jump on it and go through the two racing posts in front of you. This will start a timer and you need to get through each pair of posts before time runs out. When you reach the end, the ghosted out brick north of the city will be yours.
- East of the city is yet another whack-a-mole for you to do so you can earn the brick.
- Head down to the southern part of the river to find a small ruin. On one of the structures there is a rope hook. Pull this to open the gate and get the crank from behind it. Use the crank to open another gate, then light up the space behind it to find a key. Use the key to lower a platform which you can then use to climb the large rock. At the top, have Gimli break the cracked brick to get the mithril one.
- Head outside the city at night and you will find a camp. Kill the three orcs there to get the brick.
- Go to the top of Dunharrow and you will see some arrow holes if you look up. Put an arrow in each of them, then use the grey blocks on the right to jump up to them. Swing from arrow to arrow until you land below the brick, then have a high jumper jump up and get it.
Minas Morgul
- In the ruins of Osgiliath, on the other side of the river, there is a fire burning. You will need to put it out of course. If you do not have the Mithril Bottomless Bucket, you will need to find a cracked brick on the floor. Have Gimli break it open to reveal the water underneath. When you have put the fire out, have Sam plant the seedling and use the flower to reach a small plank on top of a crumbling arch. From there you can jump onto a grab rail at the back of the tower next to you, to get the brick.
- On the same side of the river as Minas Morgul, there is a fishing pier. Use this to get a key. Go back and climb up the same flower as you did for the last brick. When up here, if you look up the river you will be able to see three arrow holes along the ruins. Go down and put an arrow in each one, then head back up onto the flower. You can now use the arrows to swing across to a long plank. Walk to the end of the plank and use the key to open the chest for the brick.
- On the right side of the river, in the northern part of the ruins, there is a tower with a ghosted out brick on top. Around this tower there are five statues that you must destroy to be able to collect the brick. The best way I have found to do this before the time runs out is to use an archer. Start by climbing the tower using the grab rails to get up onto the tower, then jump to the plank of wood on the right. Use your bow to take out the two on the right, then drop down and destroy the one at the foot of the tower. Now quickly climb back up and walk a little way out onto the plank on the left. Now you can destroy the last two with your arrows and pick up the brick.
- In the southern part of the ruins, there is another brick on an even higher tower. Near the base of the tower there are some bricks that can be stacked by Gandalf. Stack them so you can reach the grab rail on the left, and use a high jumping character if you haven’t managed to stack them high enough. When you get up to the top, you will find a long plank that you can walk across to get the brick.
- Follow the path to the north of Osgiliath, until you come to a small, bouncy plant. Use this to get up onto something that looks like a small tomb. Have Gimli smash through it like you would a cracked brick, and you will get the mirthil brick.
- To the left of the entrance into Minas Morgul itself, there is a spot for an elf to jump up onto a plank. Walk around this and turn the corner, where you will see a rope hook on the back wall. Use the rope hook to get up to a grab rail on the left wall, and shimmy across those until you can jump onto a grey block. Turning the next corner you will see some arrows int he wall. Use these to swing over to a bouncy plant that you can then use to grab the brick.
- South west of the save point, there is a campsite on the side of a hill. At the back of the campsite there is a cracked brick for Gimli to break open and reveal the brick.
- Also south of the save point there is another, larger camp. Head there at night and orcs will attack. Kill 10 of them before time runs out to get the brick.
Cirith Ungol
- Head up to the tower of Cirith Ungol itself, then go up the stairs to the left of it, which will lead to the level also known as Cirith Ungol. Further along the path than the level flag, there is a mithril rock that can be blown up to reveal a dig spot. Here you can dig up a key. Now head to the brick that is south-west of Mount Doom, where you will find a locked chest with the brick in it.
- Find the ramp that leads up to Cirith Ungol. Part of the ramp is shaped into an arch, with Gollum walls running up the side. Climb up either side to get the brick.
- Head up the slope that leads to the entrance to Mount Doom. To the right here are some grey rocks that you can use to scale the mountain. Be sure to time your jumps to avoid the odd spurt of flames, and switch between characters and treasure items to help you get to the top.
- South east of Mount Doom, there is yet another whack-a-mole for you to do. Hit six of them before time runs out to get the brick. Ignore the ones on the wall and focus on the ones popping up from the floor. It’s a lot less stressful this way.
- East of Mount Doom there are several grey towers, each slightly higher than the one next to it. Jump from tower to tower, timing your jumps to avoid the flames, to reach the top and collect the brick.
- North of Mount Doom, right at the base, there is a sheep. Jump on it and race through the posts on a long tour of Mordor. When you reach the end, you can collect the bricks that was ghosted out on the slope of the mountain.
- In the east of Mordor, there is a pile of Morgul bricks. Break those, then blow up the mirthril bricks that were underneath. Finally, pull the orange handle to get the brick.
- Head over to the east side of Mordor at night. You will be attacked by orcs, 35 of which you will have to kill before time runs out.
100percent game complete – LEGO LOTR
hi all , if any of you are having problem with the ‘mithril/white brick’ located near ‘the eye tower/barad dur’ which is located at the end of ‘many tall poles/platforms’. Many of us/i believe all are having an’ invisible wall’ problem I have a good technique. Use legolas/any elf with farthest jumping distance. After the 2nd ‘straight upward’ jump, try to ‘jump diagonally’ (left&up), and then do another diagonal jump, after that just do the normal straight jumps until you reach the last plaform (with the mordor/red stripes item). There is still some possibility of ‘missing’ the platform, but the double diagonal jumps are much more successfull rate than the ‘straight jump’ only methods.
Once you reach the last platform, be careful when you change your hero to ‘aragorn/sauron/elendil/isildur’, because you might be accidentally change hero to the secondary player which is located down there away form the platform (you might just have to repeat all of the jumps again ^_^). Try to pick new character from the whole list, rather than picking the form circle of main heroes, this should help you to avoid the ‘accident’ during the hero change.
Thank you so much! I was at 99.5% with just this last thing and for some reason did not consider the diagonal jump.
I’m having trouble with a few of the bricks you get from killing orcs. For example, at the black gate and at isengard. I have tried going to these locations at day and at night, as Aragorn, as Sauron, as the Berserker, and some others, and I never see any orcs there to attack. I know that the couple I have managed to finish were quite difficult, because sometimes the orcs would suddenly stop appearing after I had defeated seven or eight of them, but typically if I completed a level and came back, I could do it on the second try.
Also, the whack-a-mole game near Amon Hem, I collect the brick, but my mithril brick count never increases. If I leave and come back, the brick is still there. When I “get” the brick, it makes all of the sounds like I’ve collected it, and the brick is shown going into the sack, but the number never ever increases.
I’m doing all of these on multiplayer on PS3. I’ve had one player drop out to try to see if that would help, but it doesn’t work.
Maybe these can only be achieved if the game is only played on single player? But then how will I ever collect them on my account?
I have the exact same problems in single player game. I think it is the game it self.
(Rivendell #8) OH MY GOSH! It took me forever to get on that stupid vine. When I finally got on it, I repeatedly missed the brick! Then I had problems getting back on the tightrope! Took me forever to get one. Gosh that was frustrating. 😛
I am bored so I decided to go back and play through Lego lotr again and complete it 100%. I am at 99.2% and I am missing one mithril brick that I need for the last mithril item. I have gotten all of the free roam bricks and quests but I can’t fins it. Could someone give me some advice on what to do?
Strangely I’ve completed all the levels, achieved all the Minikits, ‘true adventurers’, blacksmith design and yet I’m missing 18 bricks. I know there are two in the world I can’t get (pushing platforms causes them to be flung in the air and Gandalf can’t get them back) but I can’t figure out where the other 16 bricks would be (ive also completed all the retrieval tasks). I’m two bricks off making the final black smith design. So very perplexed where the last 16 bricks could be. My guess is it’s another glitch preventing me from finishing. (99.4%)