Author: Head_Fish

There are 74 playable characters that you can unlock in this game. Many of them are unlocked automatically as you complete levels or tasks. Others need to be found in Middle-earth, and purchased. Usually you can find the character easily by selecting them on the map and following the trail of ghost studs to their location. Because of this, most characters in this guide only contain their location. However, sometimes you may need a little more information about how to find them, and when that happens, this guide provides that information for you.[adinserter block=”6″]All our characters in this guide are…

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In place of the usual gold bricks in every Lego game, this one has Mithril bricks. You are in Middle-earth after all, and mithril is a sought after material. There are 250 bricks to collect, and you will need them all if you want to craft all the mithril treasure items in the game. When you first find a brick, it will be added to a bag, but will not be added to your overall total of mithril bricks until you have used the to craft an item. To know how many bricks you have found in total, you will…

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There are 48 achievements for this new instalment in the Lego game franchise. Most of the achievements will be gained by completing parts of the game, such as completing each level in story mode, finding all the red bricks, buying all the characters, and other such tasks. There are a couple of achievements that you will actively have to work towards, but this guide will tell you how to get these without doing more work than is necessary. The guide for some of these achievements will also point you towards other guides on the site. This is to keep the size of this post…

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As with all Lego games, there are 10 minikit pieces hidden in each level for you to find. You must find all 10 to complete a minikit and, when completed, you will find them in Rivendell. (The location of the minikit room is marked on the map by a treasure chest.) When you complete each minikit, you will get lots of studs and a Mithril brick. To find the minikit pieces you will need to have certain character types unlocked for you to use in free play. All but one of the character types needed are unlocked by completing levels…

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Each level of the game has three treasure items to find. If you want to complete all the fetch quests, which in turn will give you Mithril Bricks, then you will need to find them all. Unlike most collectibles in Lego games, there is not a red bricks that will give you a detector to help you find these items. [adinserter block=”6″]This guide lists all three items for every one of the 18 levels in the game, and they are listed in the order with which you will find them. It will also tell you how to get each item. The…

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Throughout Middle-earth there are 20 red bricks for you to find an unlock. The in-game map will show you how many red bricks can be found in each part of Middle-earth by hovering over the Map Stone in each location. Every red brick is unlocked by completing a fetch quest for a Mithril item. You cannot find these items, but must craft them at the Blacksmith in Bree. To do this you will first need to find the design itself, then you will need to gather Mithril bricks for the blacksmith to craft the item. The designs are found in…

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While playing through this game, you can find and unlock 30 designs that can be crafted at the blacksmith in Bree. You can find one design in each of the 18 levels in the game, and 12 are scattered throughout Middle-earth. The locations for the designs in Middle-earth only show which area you can find them in because the in-game map will show you where it is and selecting it will provide you with a trail of ghost studs that will lead you right to it. The list will tell you how to get the design, and how to find…

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Legacy is the second DLC released for Dragon Age 2. It will cost you 800 Microsoft Points and has five achievements, for a total of 120G. It will take you around 2-3 hours to complete, depending on any side quests you may want to complete along the way. You can access the DLC by going into Hawke’s mansion in Hightown, and clicking ont he statue in the library. It is worth noting right off the bat that, if you want to get all the achievements, you must start and complete this DLC before the end of Act 1. One of…

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The newest of the Dragon Age 2 DLC’s has arrived and it brings with it some new characters and areas, as well as some new achievements. It will set you back 800 Microsoft Points and has five achievements for a total of 120G. Two of them will be gained through playing the main quest and completing the DLC itself, the other three are missable. Don’t worry though, the guide below will help you to get them all. This DLC will take around 2-3 hours to complete, especially if you want all the achievements and are considering completing any of the side quests.…

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As with many games these days, DA2 has many collectibles that can easily be missed. Some of these items can really affect your gaming experience by making things difficult later in the game. There also some items which can simply enrich the game for you. To help others who want to get a perfect game, I have created a checklist. The checklist is broken down into the three chapters of the game, so you can see if you have missed anything before progressing. This is important because items in one chapter are no longer available in another.[adinserter block=”6″]I have gone…

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