There are 15 levels that you will play through in story mode for the new Lego game. When playing in freeplay mode, you can choose to play as any character that you have unlocked. But, in story mode, you must play as the characters you are given. Because of this, you will have to use the skills of the characters you have, to solve puzzles and work your way through the level.
This guide is written to help you work through all 15 levels, giving you only the information that you need to complete it. If you would like to know how to find the collectibles within a level, you will find many other guides on this site that cover everything in the game. However, under the header for each level, you will find the total amount of studs needed to reach True Believer for that level. If you get stuck within any story mode level, this guide can help you out.
Sand Central Station
(True Believer 70,000)
From the start of the level walk forward, destroying any objects in your way, until you come to a bus with a wall of sand in front of it. Either side of the wall, there is a fire hydrant. Using Iron Man, press and hole the X button and you can move the analogue stick around to target objects. Target the two silver pieces of the fire hydrants, then release it to blow them off. This releases the water which will crack the sand wall.
Switch to Hulk and hulk smash the wall to break it down. You can do this by standing in front of the wall and pressing X.
Behind the wall you will see two green handles. Still controlling Hulk, stand in front of those handles and press B to grab hold of them. You then need to pump the B button to break the bus apart and lift a large section of it above your head. You can then throw the bus part anywhere you like. You don’t need it right now.
Switch to Iron Man and target the silver area on the tanker blocking your path. Blowing this bit off the tanker will provide you with some Lego bricks that you can build into some Hulk handles. Have the Hulk pull them to move the vehicle out of your way. You can now approach Abomination to engage him in a fight of the big guys. While fighting Abomination, follow the on-screen prompts and pump the buttons as you need to.
When you have defeated Abomination, you will find yourself inside the train station, facing Sand Man and his giant sand hands. To the right of his hands, you will see some metal ticket barriers. Have Iron Man blow them up, then use the Hulk handles to pick up the booth. You can then press and hold X to target one of his arms, then release the button to throw the booth at it and bring it down.
To the left of his hands, sitting behind a pile of sand, there is another object with handles on it. Pick this one up and throw it at the other arm. With both arms defeated, a train of sand will come along to block your path. Many enemies with get off the train and attack you. You need to get rid of 23 of them. When you have, then train will disintegrate, clearing your path.
Your next obstruction is a large wall of sand again. As before you will need to get it wet to bring it down. On top of the information booth, on your right, there is a silver clock. Have Iron Man blow it up, then build the pieces into a water cannon. You can then jump onto it by pressing Y, then press and Hold X to spray the wall. When you have sprayed it enough, you will automatically jump off the cannon and the wall will crack. You can then Hulk Smash your way through.
Sandman’s final road block is a large castle with cannons on the top. Try to avoid his fire and have Iron Man blow up the silver scaffolding to the right of his castle. You can then build the Lego pieces into a heavy object that Hulk can pick up to throw at the main castle wall and bring it down.
After the cut scene you will find yourself back outside, this time with the help of Spiderman. To the right of the electrical field, there is a silver barrier that Iron Man can remove. This will reveal and gear with red and blue dots surrounding it. When you see these dots, it means that Spiderman can use his Super Sense to reveal something useful. You can do this by pressing the B button when stood next to the dots.
Your Super Sense will reveal a handle that Spiderman can use his web to pull. You can do this by pressing the B button, then pumping to fill the meter and in doing so, pull the object apart. You can now head to the far right side of the screen to find more dots by a wall, which Spiderman can climb. Just walk up to the wall and Spiderman will automatically start to climb it.
At the top there is another handle for Spiderman’s web, which will pull an object down and free up some bricks. Build those into something that Hulk can pull to destroy the second generator and turn off the electricity at last.
You can now stand in front of the large A and use your Super Sense to reveal some web-handles on the A, which you can use to pull it down. You can then use the A as a path to reach the upper level.
When you find Sandman you will see a web-handle on the water tower to the right of him. Have spiderman stand on the target below it and press B. This will create a web rope which any character can climb.
Now change to Hulk and press and hold Y until you change back into Bruce Banner. The Hulk is too big to climb the rope, but Banner can and you need the Hulk up that Tower to pull the handles at the top. When you have pulled the handles you will destroy the water tower and free up some bricks, which you can then build into another water cannon. Fire it continuously at Sandman until a wall appears at his base. You can then Hulk smash it and bring him down.
Unfortunately, he won’t stay down. On the left side of the screen, heading away from Sandman slightly, there is an object with green cracks in it. This means you can Hulk Smash it. Press A to jump into the air, then while in the air, press the X button to bring your fists down on it and smash it up.
Have one of the smaller characters build the bricks into a cement mixer, which the Hulk can throw at Sandman. This will create another wall at his base which you can smash to bring him down again.
Again, he won’t stay down but you will now see that there is a small silver object on the ground to the right of Sandman, and a web handle to the left. Have Iron Man destroy the silver object to reveal and lever and have Spiderman use his web on the left to reveal another. all the while you need to be careful not to be hit by Sandman. When both levers are revealed, pull them and Spiderman will decide that he needs to use his Super Sense.
Do this while stood in front of Sandman and a web handle will be revealed on top of the water tower in front of Sandman. This will release the water and spray Sandman with it. He will then collapse, bringing his head down to your level, and reveal a final wall on the side of his head. Have the Hulk smash through this to take him down for good.
After completing the first level you will find yourself on S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. Following the trail studs you will find yourself on a platform that you must jump off of to reach the ground below.
When you touch down you will find yourself in a small park with a lock on the gates. to the left of the gates there is a lamppost. Smash this and build the bricks into a small grate. Mister Fantastic can slide though these small gaps to reach new areas.
When you are through you will see a blue satellite dish on the ground, next to a press van. Destroy this and you can make a fantastic four pad. Mister Fantastic can use these to turn himself into a needed tool and in this case, a pair of bolt cutters to open the gate and free Captain America.
Switch to Captain America and head to the right of the door you are trying to get in through. There will be a switch on the wall with blue, white and red dots floating around it. These are objects specific to Captain America. Target it by pressing and holding the X button, then release it and Captain America will throw his shield at the object which will lower a ladder for you to use.
Have Mister Fantastic climb the ladder and walk along the ledge until you see a blue bit. From here you can press A to jump into the air, then press A again while still in the air and Mister Fantastic will glide across the gap to the left. When you reach the other side, stand on the target and interact with the panel on the wall. Pump the X button and the door will open. Unfortunately it will also set of some lasers.
Switch to Captain America and stand on the pad in front of the door. Press and hold the B button and you will reflect the laser back at the door. While holding the B button, move the analogue stick up, until the laser hits the circuits above the door and deactivates the laser. You can then head inside for the next level.
Times Square Off
(True Believer – 170,000)
You will start the level being attacked by Doctor Octopus robots. Take them down and more will burst onto the scene on a level above you, up the stairs. In doing so they will release the bricks you need to build a Fantastic 4 pad. Have Mister Fantastic use it to turn himself into a screwdriver. He will then remove the bars blocking the switch for Captain America to use his shield on.
When you have hit the switch it will cause a small lift to rise and fall. Jump on so you can get up to the level above. When you reach this level, Doc Oc will scarper, destroying the lab as he goes and releasing more of his robots.
Head back do to the lower level and build the bricks Doc Oc destroyed on his way out. This will make a grate for Mister fantastic to climb through. Over here, destroy more enemies and locate the red hook on the wall, to the right of your exit grate. Stand in front of this and press and pump B to have Mister Fantastic pull it off the wall. You can then build those bricks into a switch for Captain America. Now you need to get him over here too.
Switch back to Captain America and head back up the lift to the level above. Approach the fire and press and hold the B button. Captain America will hold his shield in front of him. Walk through the fire and he will lower his shield to protect him from the flames. You can then walk straight through the fire and out the other side. Keep walking left until you have joined Mister Fantastic.
Head down and throw your shield at the device Mister Fantastic built. This will activate a panel on the back wall. Have Mister Fantastic head up the ladder and use the panel to plug his earlier device into the wall.
This will reveal a red button on the ground. Have Mister Fantastic stand on the button to activate a laser. While keeping him on the button, switch to Captain America and jump back down to where you started. Follow the direction of the laser and you will find some bricks on the ground where the laser hits. Build those into a pad for Captain America and jump on to reflect the laser back at the wall. You can now direct the laser to hit two small discs on either side of the back wall, below the fire. Hold each one in place until the blocks behind it are fully lit. When both are lit you will raise a lift out of the ground for you to use to get to the top of the building.
When you reach the roof, take control of Mister Fantastic and drop down to a lower level, on the right. Dow there you will see a couple of glide pads. Glide over the gap and you will be attacked by some more bots. Kill those, then look on the back wall for a red hook. Have Mister Fantastic pull it down, then build the bricks into a ladder. Climb the ladder and follow the passage round to find two crates. Smash these, then build the bricks onto a lever that you can push to turn the large satellite dish above your head round. When it is in place you will know it because studs will appear across its path.
Switch back to Captain America and climb the ladder on the back wall. Up here you will see blue poles sticking out of the wall. Jump up and grab the first one and Captain America will start to swing round it. You can then jump from pole to pole by pressing the A button, to reach the other side.
When you are across, head to the right and down two flights of stairs. Here you will find a switch for your shield. Triggering this will turn off some fans below you allowing Mister Fantastic to slide through the grate. When you go through you will find yourself just below where you left Captain America.
Head back up the second set of stairs you came down and you will see some blue pipes. Smash all the bricks in this area and you can then build them into a Fantastic 4 pad. Use this and Mister Fantastic will cause the water tower above to break. Head up there and build those bricks into a zip line which you can use to reach Doctor Octopus.
The first character you take across will be caught by Doc Oc. Switch to the other character and attack him and he will move on.
Keep following Doc Oc until he climbs the large Hotel sign. In the bottom, right hand corner of the sign there is a glowing object. Use Captain Americas shield to hit it and the sign will drop a little, revealing another object on the other side. Hit that one too and the sign will fall completely creating a nice ramp for you to use to reach the next building.
Head all the way to the right, dealing with any bots you find along the way. Use Captain Americas shield to hit the object at the base of the ladder above your head. This will lower it for you to be able to use. Have Captain America climb the ladder and head inside the building through the broken window. Use your shield to protect you and walk through the flames to the right. In here you will see that the walls are striped. You can jump from one wall to the other to help you climb up and out of this building. Keep pressing A each time you hit a wall and you will jump to the one on the other side.
At the top you will see a blue, square Lego object directly in fornt of you. Smash that and build the bricks into a shield switch. Hit it and the lift will start working. Switch to Mister Fantastic and, if he isn’t inside the building already, have him climb the ladder and head on inside. Head to the left away form the flames and you will see a red hook. Use this to pull yourself up to the level above and kill the bot that came out of the lift. You can then use the lift to get onto the roof.
On the right side of the roof there are some glide pads. Jump off and glide across to the next roof. As you land a Lego object will be destroyed and bots will attack you. kill the bots then build the bricks into a zip line for Captain America.
When he is across, head left until you are stood below Doc Oc. Target him and throw your shield to knock him off his perch. This will reveal a red hook that Mister Fantastic can pull off the wall to get some bricks. Build those into a Fantastic 4 panel and turn yourself into a wrecking ball to ruin Doc Oc’s fun.
Again Spiderman comes to the rescue to help you bring down the bad guy. On the roof across from you there is a metal framework with a red hook on it. Have Spiderman or Mister Fantastic pull it down to create a ramp for you to use to cross the gap. When you’re across, use Super Sense on the grey pipes on the left. You can then use these to climb to the level above.
Up here you can use your Super Sense on the large yellow object to reveal two handle. Pull them both to start up a couple of fans. These can then be used by the other characters to reach the upper level. to the right there is a chain link fence. In the far corner of this fence there is a blue box on the wall. Destroy that and rebuild the bricks to make a panel that Mister Fantastic can use to open the gate.
When you are through, head all the way to the right to find a Fantastic 4 pad. Use this to turn Mister Fantastic into a rocket which will shoot into the billboard and reveal two more hooks. Pull these and the billboard will drop down into another ramp. Once across the gap, keep following Doc Oc to a new area.
You will now start to fight Doc Oc. Start by taking out all his bots. When you have, one of his tentacles will get stuck in the ground and a green target will appear at its base. Stand on this and press the X button when you are prompted, This removes one of his tentacles and he will jump off, making another hole in the ground.
Repeat this process until he only has one tentacle left. When he does, he will come down to your level and you can give him a hefty punch and he is defeated.
Follow the stud trail until you reach a mound of dirt. Above the dirt there is a silver object that Hawkeye can target with and explosive arrow. Press and hold the X button to target the object, then release to fire an explosive arrow. This may take several attempts to do because you need to get the arrow on the outside of the silver object even though you are stood to the side. Try moving around to get a good angle and eventually the right hit will release an explosive arrow.
When you have destroyed the silver object, you reveal some holes in the wall that you can place arrows into to create some jump poles. Target them and hit each one with an arrow, then jump up to grab the first one. Jump from pole to pole to get to the other side.
Walk forward until you see a yellow vending machine. To the left of this there are some zig zag walls that you can use to climb onto a building. Climb the wall with Black Widow and walk to the left until you find a panel on the wall. Use the panel and you will see a circuit board on the wall. Click on all three of the arrows to turn each circuit off and the way below will be clear.
With the electricity off, follow the trail into the alley and have Hawkeye fire a rope arrow at the gate by pressing the B button. Keep pulling until the gate swings open. Keep following the studs until you come to the door of a building. Switch to Black Widow and press and hold B to become invisible. You can then approach the lever to the left of the door and pull it to open the door.
Exploratory Laboratory
(True Believer 100,000)
As Black Widow, head to the right and use the panel on the wall. You will be shown a sequence of lights and three blue dots on the screen above them. You need to press them in the right order to open the door. Watch the lights at the bottom to see what order they flash in. You can then hover over each blue dot to see what colour it is, then click on them in the right order to open the door.
In the next room, have Hawkeye use an explosive arrow on the silver object on the right side of the room. When you have done that, look for two white boxes on the ceiling. Stand under the one on the right and pull the red hook to release some more bricks. You can then build those into another panel for Black Widow. This panels works exactly the same as the last. Watch the lights and note the order they are in, then click on the dots to match it.
As you head through the next corridor, Green Goblin will zoom past and trigger the security system, locking you in the corridor. Have Spiderman walk up to the barrier now blocking your path and use his Super Sense to reveal two red hooks. You can then use these to pull the barrier down.
In this next room, Green Goblin will be flying around, throwing things at you. Target him and hit him once and he will fly off, taking the lift down as he goes. Walk across the plank that is laying over the elevator shaft and use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal a path that you can use to climb the wall. Once you’re up, hit the glowing object in the middle of the path to reveal a lever. Pull this to create a ladder for the other character to be able to climb up too.
Switch to Hawkeye and look above your head for a silver object. Hit it with an explosive arrow and you will see a hook. Press B while stood underneath it to create a rope for you to pull yourself up to the level above, where you will see another red hook on the left. Pull on this new hook and you will create a ramp to reach the top.
When you’re up, Green Goblin will zoom past you and head through a door at the end of the passage. Use Super Sense on the door, then pull the hooks that you revealed. Now have Hawkeye shoot an explosive arrow at the silver object on the door to open it.
Switch to Black Widow and hold B to turn invisible. You can then walk to the end of the hall and fins a lever on the right side of the door. Jump up and she will automatically pull the lever, which will switch off the lasers and reveal a hook. Have one of the other characters pull on this hook to open the door.
Walk through the door and you will wind up in a new area. On the back wall there is a silver object. Have Hawkeye fire one of his arrows at it, then destroy the Lego object beside you. These will give you some bricks that you can build into a ladder to climb up.
Head to the right and find the orange Oscorp sign on the back wall. Above that are two silver objects for Hawkeye to deal with. Pulling those down will then allow Spiderman to use his Super Sense to reveal two hooks. Pull those and some stuff will fall down that you can use to reach the ledge above.
Have Black Widow climb all the way up to the top of the ladder. On the top level there is a panel there that she can use to turn the central column around and reveal some pole holes. Have Hawkeye shoot an arrow in all four holes, two on each side, then have Black Widow use them to reach a high ledge. When she is up there, turn invisible so you can access the lever which will create a ladder for you to climb all the way up and out.
Head to the right and you will see Venom scarper. Keep going right and destroy the Lego objects blocking your path. Next to the room you saw Venom disappear into, there are two hooks. Pull them down and you will get some bricks that you can build into a jump pole. Stick an arrow in it, then use it to get Black Widow up to the ledge above.
Use the control panel to reveal a puzzle. You can click on each of the blue pieces to turn them and make a complete circuit to open all the doors. Now head back to the left and Venom will run off again. Either side of the door he just went through, there are two well lit rooms. Inside each room there is a red button on the floor. Have one character stand on each one to open the door that venom just used.
Head into the passageway and destroy the large box on the floor, and all objects on the walls to get some bricks. Build those bricks into a large speaker with a red hook on the side. Pull the hook to start the music, which will remove the bands that are blocking your path.
Walk forward until you can go no further. Either side of the passage there are two silver objects near the floor. Destroy those and you will see two hooks. Pull both hooks to start a small fire and remove this set of bands.
When you finally face Venom, take down a few of his goons until he destroys a large object on the left side of the room. Build those into a large stereo and Venom will come down to your level so you can get a hit in.
Keep fighting goons until one opens a door at the back of the room. This gives you access to a lever that when pulled, will open a large hatch in the floor. A fire cannon will come up out of this hatch. Jump on and fire it at Venom until he catches alight. he will then come down to you again and you can get another hit in.
Keep fighting until you can see Super Sense dots near the large crane on the right. Do this and you will reveal two hooks that you can use to pull down the bricks the crane is holding. Build these into a large bell, then aim at the target hanging below to ring it. This brings venom down one last time and you can finish him off.
Follow the trail of studs to the docks where you will need to get a boat to your next level. Unfortunately the boat is out of commission. Have Iron Man blow up the large silver crate that is on the boat to get it up and running again. You can then talk to the captain who will tell you need a ticket.
Head back up to the ticket office (the door you just saw open) and build the bricks into a ticket dispenser. You can then pick the ticket up and take it back to the captain and jump on board for a ride.
When you get off the boat, walk up to the door and have Hulk pull the front of the door off. You can then use one of Iron Mans rockets to blow the door open and head inside for the next level.
Rock Up At The Lock Up
(True Believer 150,000)
Walk up the path until you come to a locked door. To the right of this path there is another heading right that can be a little tricky to see. Head down there and you will see the waves take out the bridge. Fly over the gap and build the Lego bricks into a lever. Turn the lever and the bridge will come back up so the other characters can join you.
Head up the path a little way until you see some blue paw signs. Switch to Wolverine and press B when stood on those paws and he will dig the area. He will reveal some bricks that you can build into some handles for Hulk. Pull on them to break down the wall.
Before heading inside the building, go to the right and you will see some blue and yellow dots floating in the air. This means there is something for Wolverine to find. Stand among them and press B to reveal a wall that he can climb up to get to a ledge above.
On top of the building, destroy the gas canisters in the right hand corner. This will reveal a claw switch for Wolverine. By activating this you will get the lift running. Have Hulk stand on the red switch on the floor of the lift and it will bring him up to you.
Unfortunately this also triggers a security system. Watch carefully and you will see four silver security guns around the prison wall. Have Iron Man fly up and take each one out with a rocket. When you have destroyed them all the lasers barring your way will deactivate to reveal some handles for Hulk. Have Hulk destroy the barrier then move on to the left.
Here you will see more dots for Wolverine. This will reveal a wall that you can climb. When you are up, jump up and grab the little yellow bar in front of you. This closes a hatch which will give a small ladder to climb.
Climb the ladder and walk to the right a little and you will see some yellow claw marks in the wall. This means that Wolverine can smash through this wall, which conceals a panel. Have Iron Man use the panel and you will see an image of the door on the screen. You need to click on each of the four corners to remove the bolts and unlock the door.
Head on inside until you can go no further, then destroy all the objects lying in front of the back wall. This will uncover a wall for Wolverine to smash through, which you can then go through to get outside.
when you come face to face with Leader, switch to Iron Man and fire rockets at the debris floating around him. When you have destroyed enough, Leader will drop down and you can hit him. You might find that he will take control of the character you are using. If this is the case then switch to another character and hit him once to take care of him.
Head forwards and then to the right to find another Wolverine wall. Press B to reveal it, then hit the wall by pressing X to break your way through. Behind that wall you can press B to reveal another wall that Wolverine can climb. Head up to the next set of windows and find the Claw switch on the right. Activating this will lower the bars on your right for you to go through.
Head all the way to the right and destroy the gas canisters and other Lego objects around them. This will give you some bricks to build into a panel for Iron Man to use. This turns off the electricity and wakes up Abomination, who will knock down part of the wall below him.
Have Wolverine uses his Super Sense to reveal some handles for Hulk to pull, which will pull out the floor from Abominations cell. You can then jump onto this as Wolverine and use the chain to reach the ledge above. Press B to reveal a wall climb area.
When you are up, have Iron Man destroy the silver locks on both doors, then destroy the silver objects in the room behind them. Wolverine can then build a claw switch which will open the door to the control centre.
Inside the control room, have Iron Man use the panel on the left wall to access a monitor. Here you must follow the electrical current and click on each “?” to find out who is in each cell. Clicking each one will open a new path to the next. When you click the last one you will find Sabretooth. Wait a few seconds for Jarvis to hack into the system and the door will open for you.
Now it’s time to deal with Sabretooth and Magneto. Take out all the goons, there are a lot of them, and the lift will come to a stop. Magneto will pick up Sabretooth and you are told to throw something at him to bring him back down. Build the pile of bricks that appear on the right side by using Wolverine, then have Hulk throw it at Sabretooth. Repeat this process twice more, throwing two objects at him on the last time.
In this final stage, you will need to fight Abomination. Head over into the back corner of this area to find a dig pile for Wolverine. Dig up the rungs and build yourself a ladder. Climb the ladder and use Wolverine Super Sense to find spots on the wall that you can climb up to the first spotlight.
Press Y to jump on the spotlight and aim the beam at Abomination until the bar above his head is full. Control will then change to hulk so you can give him a few good punches by following the on screen prompts.
When you have control of Wolverine again, head to the right and use his Super Sense to reveal a cracked wall above him. Hulk can pick up any large object and throw it at the cracks to break it open. If you are having trouble hitting it, try aiming by pressing and holding X.
Build the bricks that come out of the wall into a bouncy pile of tyres. Use them to reach the level above, then wall jump up to the next spotlight. Use the claw switch to bring up the spot light then do exactly the same thing as you did before.
When the second spotlight is destroyed, a door on the left will open and bag guys will run out. Head over there using Wolverine and go through the door. This will raise you up to a new level where you can use some jump poles to reach another ledge above you. Up here you need to destroy all the Lego objects on the left and build their parts into another claw switch. Now just jump on and do your thing until Abomination and Sabretooth are down.
Jump back on the boat and make your way back to Stark Tower. When you get there, have Captain America throw his shield at the sign above the door to reveal one of his switches. Throw the shield at that to then open the door. Have Tony Stark access the panel on the right, then click on each arrow twice to complete the circuit and which will open the door properly and you can get inside.
Rebooted, Resuited
(True Believer – 140,000)
Once inside the building, have Captain America throw his shield at the object above the forcefield behind you, then throw it again at the switch you uncovered. You can then go inside the room and destroy everything. This will leave behind some bricks that you can build into a control panel for the fields that are blocking your path. Have Tony Stark use the panel and click on all three blue bars to deactivate the fields. Sort of.
Head up the room, timing your run so you pass each field while it is down. When you reach the end you will be confronted with a laser. Have Captain America jump on his pad in front of the laser, and hold B to direct the laser back at the gun itself. Keep aiming it back at the gun until it is completely destroyed. You can then build the pieces into another panel for Tony Stark to access.
By Accessing the panel you will take control of a small hovering device. Head up the stairs to your right by pressing A to go up, then move towards the screen to come out through a small gap at the top of the window. You can then dock this machine on a small glowing support that is sticking out of the right side wall. This will open a panel below i that Tony can use to suit up.
When you have the suit on, head back to the left towards the last remaining force field. Fire a rocket at the silver object above the field and then throw Captain Americas shield at the switch behind it. You can then step inside and deal with all the bad guys. With those out of the way, go into the lift at the back of the room and stand each character on one of the red switches on the floor.
In this new room, head behind the large glass “room” to find a switch which you can pull. This turns on a panel that Tony can use to move a small robot over the right. When you get it all the way over, Captain America will jump on. You can then leave it to move him back to where it came from.
Switch to Captain America and walk to the right, holding the B button so his shield protects him from the fire. You can then destroy the object at the end of the hall to bring down the barriers.
Walk to the right until you see a small room that is blocked by four silver locks. Blow these off with Iron Mans rockets and head inside.
Switch to Captain America and use the jump poles to reach the ledge above. You need to double jump to reach the first one by pressing A twice. Head all the way to the right and come back inside the building.
To the right of the door there is a lever high up on the wall. Double jump to grab it and pull it down. This will activate a large fan so Iron Man can come up and join you.
Further to the right there is another glass room with another large fan in it. You will need to destroy the fan in the floor before you can drop down into the next room. On the wall there is a large silver object, Hit it twice with a rocket and it will fall down and destroy the fan.
In this next room, deal with all the goons, then destroy the large object at the bottom of the stairs. This reveals a pad for Captain America to use to in a minute.
Head to the right and find the silver objects on the wall. Destroy those with a rocket or two, then have Captain America jump from wall to wall to reach the upper level. Be careful not to fall down the bottom or you will be electrified.
At the top, push the paddle to turn the large cylinder, just as you saw a guy do earlier. This will open up a small panel at the base of the cylinder. Have Iron Man fire a rocket into this panel, which will turn on a laser. Captain America can now use his pad to deflect the laser back at two blue panels either side of the large door. Hold the laser in place until one of the panels has lit up, then move it to the other one and hold it there too. When both panels are lit up, the door will open.
As soon as you go through the door, you will be confronted by another large laser gun. Jump on Captain Americas pad as soon as you can or the laser will kill you. Reflect the beam back at it to destroy the gun.
When you have destroyed the gun, head to the end of the hall and build the two piles on bricks into a couple of grab rails on the wall. You can then get both characters to jump up and grab a rail each, which will open the door.
When you reach the control room for Jarvis, go to the back wall and look for two switches that need Captain Americas shield. When you hit them both they will each fire a laser. One will hit its target, but the other is missing its mark. Use the Captain America pad in front of Jarvis to aim the beam so it hits the right spot. This will reset Jarvis.
Have Iron Man stand in the middle of the room and press B. You will now get Iron Mans suit Mark 42. This suit has a laser that can cut through gold objects. Head to the gold wall at the back of the room and stand in front of it. Press and hold B and move the laser beam around the edge of the wall to cut a hole in it. You can then step through and head up to find some bad guys robbing Stark Tower.
You will find yourself on the roof of the tower fighting Mandarin and Aldrich Killion, plus some generic goons. Take down lots of goons and Mandarin will use mind control on your character. Switch to the other one and hit Mandarin so he releases the other guys. You can then get one good punch in on Killion. Repeat this process of killing goons, then heating each of the villains once until Killion has no more hearts left.
A counter at the top of the screen will appear with the goons face above it. You will need to take down this many goons before you can move on.
When you have killed the required amount of goons, you can then use Iron Man’s rockets to start taking down the Iron Man Hulkbuster suit. There is a meter above his head showing his health. As you start firing at him, other Iron Man suits will come and help. You only need to sit back and watch the carnage.
As the other suits wear the Hulkbuster down, he will begin to take them out one by one. When all the suits are down, you can build their parts into a switch for Captain America to hit with his shield. This will release a charge and bring him down to the ground. While he is hunched over, have Iron Man fire his new laser at the gold piece on the back of the Hulkbuster suit.
Follow the trail until you come to the end of it. Have Black Widow turn invisible, then pull the switch to the left of the door. Inside you will find Howard the Duck statues. If you try to destroy them, you will be told that you have the wrong place. You need to follow the trail once again.
When you reach the end of the trail, look to your left to find a red hook above a shop door. Pull the bricks down, then build them into a trampoline. Place an arrow in the hole left behind when you pulled the bricks down, then use the trampoline to jump up and land on the pole. This will open the door for your next level.
Red Head Detention
(True Believer 95,000)
Have Black Widow turn invisible and walk forward, past the lasers. Stand in the switch on the floor which will move you up to the next level. You can then go to the left of where you are and wall jump so you are on top of the lift. You must then destroy all the Lego in front of you to turn of the lasers so Hawkeye can also use the lift.
Drop back down so you are in front of the lift again and build the Lego bricks into a grab rail. Using Black Widow, jump up and grab it to open a section of the large spinning object to your right. Hawkeye can then use an explosive arrow to stop this thing from turning.
Keep heading right and destroy the three Lego boxes on the right. From that you can then build a panel for Black Widow to use. Like many of the other puzzles, you need to turn the four pieces until you make a complete circuit. When each piece is in the right position, it will light up. When all four are in place a door will open for you to go through.
Walk forward from where you start, then head down the stairs to the right. You will come to a gold wall. Switch to the Human Torch and press any button to turn into fire. Stand in front of the gold wall and press and hold B to cut a hole in the wall.
Use Black Widow to access the panel that popped up. You will be shown a shape and need to recreate that shape by turning the corners of the fan on the screen. You will see what shape you are making because there is a faint line between some of the corners. When you have each corner in the right place, the light will join the two corners together. Keep doing this until you get to the end of the track.
Go back up the stairs you came down earlier and up the next set of stairs next to those. Cross the new bridge you made and find the grab bar on the back wall. You can then jump on the button in the middle of the lift and it will take you up to the level above.
Have Black Widow turn invisible and head up the stairs on the left. Go inside the small room and destroy the pistons on the floor to deactivate the system.
Switch to Hawkeye and leave the room through the exit on the right. Aim an arrow at the red hook on the ceiling to drop a rope down from it. You can then jump across the gap and grab the rope. While hanging on, move the stick from side to side to make the character start to swing. When you have enough momentum, jump off to the other side.
Head to the right and you will see another rope hanging from the ceiling. Have Hawkeye jump up and grab it, then switch to Black Widow and access the panel in front of you. Keep pumping X until Hawkeye drops down on the other side.
Switch to Hawkeye and press B to start pulling on the red hook beside you. When you have pulled it off the wall, jump up and grab the rail to reveal a gold object on the wall.
You can now use the Human Torch, who can fly, to destroy it. Press A twice to start flying, then get into position and press and hold A to shot at the gold object. When that is destroyed you will reveal a hole that Hawkeye can put an arrow in so Black Widow can cross the gap and join you.
Have Black Widow continue down the path, all the while being invisible, until you get to some stairs. Just below you there are some rotating platforms. When you can jump onto one, do so and ride it to the other side. Now follow the left wall to a switch that you can pull to turn off the lasers so your companions can follow you.
Now all you need to do it have Hawkeye pull the red hook off the door on the right and you can go through to the next area.
Have Human Torch cut his way through the gold way, then climb the ladder that was behind it. At the top have Hawkeye destroy the large silver object with a few explosive arrows, then build the pieces into a couple of walls that you can use to jump from side to side to get to the top.
Once you are at the top, have Black Widow turn invisible and walk forward and round to the left. Use the panel to turn the defence system against itself.
With the two guns gone, two goons will come out and take their place. Switch to Human Torch and fire at each goon in turn by holding the B button until the gold piece on their shoulders breaks off. You can then get rid of each guy with one hit apiece and head out through the door.
It’s now time for Captain America and Human Torch to face off against Red Skull. To get anywhere near Red Skull you will need to approach him as Captain America and use your shield to deflect anything he fires at you. When you are close enough, hit him.
When he runs off, head to the rights side of the room and pull the switch there to reveal a gold wall. Then have the Human Torch make a hole in it. You can then destroy the object that comes out from behind the wall to deactivate one of the guns.
Head to the left side of the room and rebuild the Hydra sign that was destroyed as Red Skull ran off. This will make a switch for Captain America that will reveal another gold wall. Do the same as you did before to disable the gun and Red Skull will come back down.
Approach him as before by hiding behind your shield, and give him another hit. He will run off again and a quick scan of the room will show you that you need to do exactly the same thing as you just did, but on opposite walls. Red Skull will come down one last time for Captain America to finish him off.
All you need to do is follow the trail of studs to find Thor.
Bifrosty Reception
(True Believer – 100,000)
You will start the level zooming through a wormhole. Just try to dodge the debris and collect as many studs as you can along the way. You will also collect a minikit when you reach the end.
You will find yourself in a room surrounded by ice. You will need the Human Torch to melt the ice that is on the large object in the middle of the room. All you need to do is approach all three pieces of ice while Human Torch is alight and they will melt.
Switch to Thor and press and hold B to charge his hammer. When you have it fully charged, stand in front of the object in the middle of the room and hold B to transfer the charge. This will power up the room and open the way for you to go forward.
Outside you will need to defeat 20 Frost Giants on the Rainbow Road. By the time you have defeated all of them, you should be at the end of the road and facing off against Loki. He will use mind control on your character, so switch to another one and hit him so he will release them.
Have Human Torch melt the ice in front of the door to reveal some cracks high up. Have Thor target the cracks by holding the X button, and break through the door by throwing his hammer at it.
In the next area you will find Loki with a few more Frost Giants. Have one of your flying characters head on up to Loki. He will use mind control again so get your other flying character to go up there and hit him again.
Loki will destroy come columns that he was standing in front of. Hit the rubble a few times until the pieces start to jump around. You can then build them into a ramp so the other characters can get up the stairs that are covered in ice.
Switch to Wolverine and head to the right. Use his Super Sense here to enable you to climb the wall. On this ledge you will find a claw switch that will open a glass tube below it. Head into that tube as Thor and charge his hammer. Add the charge to the mechanism in front of you to completely open up the path ahead of you.
In front of you there is a golden statue of a horse. Have Human Torch destroy it to free up some Lego bricks. You can then build those into a switch for Captain America which will raise a swivel pad. Turn this until it locks into place to create a set of stairs up to Loki.
Once again, Loki will use mind control but one good hit will see him off. When you have done that, use Wolverines Super Sense on the left to reveal a dig spot. Dig up some bricks and build the pieces into a claw switch which will reveal a charge device for Thor. Fly up there and charge it up.
When charged you will have a lift to the upper level. Take Wolverine up there and to the right, then use his Super Sense. This reveals some cracks in the large statue at the back. Have Thor throw his hammer up there to destroy the statue and knock his head down to you. You can then use the Human Torch to break open the head and get some Lego bricks which can be built into a fountain, which in turn will grow some plants that you can use to bounce up to the next room.
Here you will see many Lokis and a spot for Wolverine to use his Super Sense. When you do this you will see which Loki is the real one. You can then give him a whack and he will bring down some bricks that you can build into a switch for Captain America.
When you’ve opened the door, head on through to find Loki with a giant robot called the Destroyer. He will control it and make it attack you. It is your job to bring it down. To start, have Human Torch melt the large ice structures that are around your little area. This will give you some bricks that you can build into a pad for Captain America to stand on and reflect the Destroyers beam back at Loki.
With the Destroyer out of action for the time being, have Thor head up there and press X when you are stood in front of it. Thor will get in some good hits, but Loki will reactivate the Destroyer and you have to head back down or be frozen. If you do get frozen, just switch to another character and either thaw them out with Human Torch or wait until they thaw out themselves.
Back at the bottom of the stairs, start taking out Frost Giants until another large piece of ice appear. Have Human Torch melt it, then build the bricks into another Shield Stand for Captain America. You can then do exactly the same as you did before to get another hit in on the Destroyer.
Keep repeating the process until the Destroyer has no head. Loki will then come down off his “throne” and multiply. Stand in front of the row of Lokis and use Wolverines Super Sense to figure out which one is the real Loki. He will take control of Wolverine, so switch to another character and give Loki one last hit.
Approach the mansion and find the Stan Lee trapped behind the flames. Have Jean Grey use her mind control to take control of Stan by pressing B when stood a short distance in front of him. You can then make him build the pipes beside him. When the pipes are built, you can then use mind control to turn the pink valve on the pipes, which will turn on the sprinkler system and save Stan Lee.
Head a little way to the right where you will find a Lego brick on the floor and some more on the wall. Use your telekinesis to pick the brick up and place the pink part on top of the other pink part on the wall to form an X. When it is in place, the Lego will move back to reveal an opening into the mansion.
Juggernauts And Crosses
(True Believer 100,000)
From the start of the level you will need to rescue a couple of students. Start by finding an escape tunnel nearby. Switch to Cyclops and go to the left hand corner of the room where you will see a gold object leaning against the wall. Press and hold B and aim the beam at the gold object to destroy it. You can then use Jean Greys telekinesis to remove the bookcase and reveal a lever. Pull the lever to uncover the escape tunnel.
With the first group of students out, it’s time to rescue the others. Move to the right and destroy all the Lego on the ground in front of the fireplace. You can then use the leftover bricks to rebuild the stairs. Head over to the painting and use telekinesis to get rid of it and reveal another gold wall.
Cyclops can make short work of the wall. Destroying the wall will give you some more bricks. As before, build those into a switch and pull it to open another escape tunnel for the last students to get out. When they are all free, Juggernaut will run through the room and you must give chase.
Walk forward until Juggernaut bursts onto the scene again causing debris to fall and block your path. Jean Grey can use mind control on one of the guys stood the other side of the barrier. Have him build the bricks left behind by Juggernaut when he burst through the wall. This will turn on some sprinklers that will free up a door for you. Use telekinesis on the hinges to break the door down. You can then walk through the passage behind it and come out the other side of the barrier.
Move to the right and find the hole Juggernaut left behind when he left. The hole is full of broken Lego. Switch to Cyclops and remove the gold piece of Lego on the left of the pile. Now have Jean Grey use telekinesis to remove the rest of the rubbish and head on through.
In this new room you will find Toad grotesquely dangling Storm by his tongue. Switch control to Storm and pump the X button to charge her up, which will cause Toad to drop her.
Storm can hover over flames to put them out. Press A twice to make her hover, then fly over the flames on the right to uncover a chair. Have Jean Grey use telekinesis to move the chair back to the table.
Head over to the left side of the room and hit the piano until it starts to play a tune. When it is done it will break apart and reveal another chair that you can rebuild with telekinesis and place around the table.
When all three are around the table, use telekinesis one them until a lightening switch raises out of the ground. You can then charge Storm in the same way you did with Thor, and send that charge into the switch to activate it. This will open another tunnel for the students in this room to escape through.
When the students are out of the room, some Magneto Acolytes will burst in and a security door will lock the room down. Beast will pop up on a screen and tell you that you need to force your way through the door. Deal with Magnetos goons, then have Cyclops cut a hole in the gold portion on the right side of the door. You can then get Jean Grey to use her telekinesis to plug in part of the door and raise a lightening switch for Storm to charge up. When fully charged, the door will open and you can head outside.
Move to the right and find Pyro put the heat on Iceman. Switch control to Iceman and pump the B button to break free. You can then move up the stairs where the fountain will be destroyed by bits of flying wall that was knocked down by a huge fight on the other side of it.
Iceman can use a beam to freeze water by aiming a beam at it, in the same way that others can shoot fire, lightening or a laser. Freeze the remains of the fountain to create a ramp that will lead you up onto the building.
Follow the building round to the right and remove the flames that are in front of the gap. You can then switch to Cyclops and hit the gold object on the wall on the other side of the gap. Iceman can then freeze the water on the other side to make a bridge for you to cross.
On the far right, have Jean Grey use her telekinesis on the plants to uncover a golden window frame. You can then use Cyclops to remove this frame by cutting around it. You can then head back inside.
As you enter this new area, look for a bookcase on the back wall. Use telekinesis to move the bookcase, then use mind control on the guy behind it and have him pull the switch. This will raise some panels out of the ground and turn on the TV in front of them. The TV will display matching panels but one will be lit up. Stand on the corresponding panel on the floor and watch to see another panel on the screen light up. Match the pattern on the floor until all four panels are lit. This will open another tunnel for the last group of students to escape.
With all the students out, more of Magnetos Acolytes will burst into the room, bringing with them a shower of bricks. Build those into one object and have Cyclops stand on top of it. You can then use telekinesis to raise the platform, allowing the character on top to reach the upper level.
When Cyclops has jumped off the platform, switch control to him and head to the left to find a grandfather clock. Use your beam to destroy the golden pendulum, then hit the clock to smash it entirely. You can then build the bricks into a ladder for the other characters to come up and join you.
To get out of the door you will need to have Iceman put out the flames in front of it, then use Jean Grey to move some bricks into a bridge. Cyclops can then destroy the two gold hinges that can be found either side of the door.
You will now find yourself back in the room you started this level in. Jean Grey will suggest you use a secret passage that is hidden behind the fireplace. However, you have a bit of work to do to get it open.
Head up the stairs on the right and put out the flames at the top, then move forward and put out the flames in front of the window. You can then build these bricks into two suits of armour. You must then place each one on the correct plinth, which are in front of your characters. You will know which suit to put on which plinth by the colour of the plumes on their helmets. Match them to the colour of the plinth.
When both suits are in place, the painting below you will be removed, revealing a lightening switch. Stand in front of it with Storm and charge it up to open the secret passage in the fireplace.
To end the level you will find yourself in a boss battle against Juggernaut with Jean Grey, Iceman and Beast. Head forwards while in control of Jean Grey and wait for Juggernaut to throw something at you. As it comes near you, use telekinesis to throw it right back at him. It might take a few tries to get the timing right because Acolytes will come at you in waves. Have patience and don’t stand too close to allow yourself time to hit the button before the crate hits you.
When you get a hit, Juggernaut will fall down and the crate will get stuck on his head. In a panic, he will charge around the room. Do not get in his way or you will be hit and lose a heart. You will also have other guys firing at you from above. Dodge them as best you can.
While trying to dodge all that is going on, have Iceman put out the flames where Juggernaut landed when he fell. You can then build some bricks into a gear system which will give you some jump poles, one each end of a hatch. Have two characters jump onto the poles at the same time to pull them down and open the hatch. If you are in single player mode, you will realise that it is impossible to make two characters jump on the poles at exactly the same time. Don’t worry, you will have a second or two to get the other character on the pole before the first one jumps off.
When you have the hatch open, destroy the crate inside and build the bricks into a small stereo. Use telekinesis on the stereo to let Juggernaut know where you are. He will charge and get his head stuck in the wall, spraying water onto the floor around his feet. Iceman must freeze the water around Juggernaut so Jean Grey can throw him about to get another hit in.
You must now repeat the whole process again, only this time you will open the hatch on the right by using a panel with Beast and making an alarm clock out of the parts.
When you have done that, Juggernaut will throw another object, only this time more wildly and he will knock some bricks down form the ceiling. Build those into another panel for Beast to use.
When you access the panel you will see three screens. On the middle one there is a short pathway marked out on the left and four arrows on the right. Use the arrows on the right to move along the path, which will move a crane into position over Juggernaut. When it is in place it will pick him up and drop him again, removing his helmet as it drops him.
With no helmet, Juggernaut has no protection against Jean Greys mind control. As he charges towards you, pump the X button to take control of him. You can then move him towards the platform at the far end where you will see some green handles. Have Juggernaut pull on them and he will break some pipes and spill more water around his feet. One more time, have Iceman freeze the water and Jean Grey throw Juggernaut to finish him off.
Follow the trail of studs to the fountain in Central Park and use Invisible Woman’s telekinesis on the hot dog stand to shake out some bricks. Build those into a pad for Mister Fantastic to use and turn himself into a winch. He will turn the fountain over and reveal the Fantasticar. Jump in to start the next level.
Doctor In The House
(True Believer – 100,000)
At the start of the level you will jump out of the Fantasticar and free fall to the ground. Collect as many studs as you can and enjoy the ride on the way down. Enjoy the Incredibles reference as you come in to land.
When you have landed deal with the Doombots, then have Mister Fantastic pull on the red hook in front of you to free some Lego platforms. Invisible Woman can then use telekinesis to stack them up on the purple Lego floor to their right. Stack them into a set of stairs that you can use to reach the level above.
Move slightly to the left and you will find a cracked wall just above your head. Switch to the Thing and press B to rip up part of the ground. You can then target the cracks and break down the wall to reveal a hook that Mister Fantastic can use to pull himself up to the ledge above. Now just follow the path round and pull the switch at the end to provide a ladder leading up to the bad guy who’s been throwing things at you.
Switch to Invisible Woman and climb the ladder. Deal with the Doombot, then stand on the target on the right by pressing B. She will fire at a small dish across the gap. You need to aim straight at the middle of this dish, you will know when you are in the right spot because two small paddles on either side will begin to rise. When the paddles are all the way up a bridge will appear for you to cross the gap.
Walk to the left until you see the large satellite dish. At the base of the dish there are some green handles that Thing can use to get you some bricks. Build those into a pad for Mister Fantastic that will turn him into a drill and uncover a small panel. Use the panel and click on the red cross to turn off the interference.
Head to the right, across the bridge, and have Thing smash the cracked wall. You will then have three small platforms that Invisible Woman can place not he wall in front of you. You can then use these to jump up to the ledge above you.
At the top, press and hold B to turn Invisible Woman…well….invisible. You can then walk forward under the laser and step on the red button. While stood on the button, press and hold B until the canister in front of you explodes.
Switch to Mister Fantastic and walk to the right until you see a white target on the floor. Stand on it and press B and Mister Fantastic will pull himself up. You can now build the bricks you got earlier into a paddle that can be pushed to remove the barrier below, allowing you to advance.
Switch to Thing and continue down the path until you find another cracked wall. Smash through and head up the stairs.
Switch to Invisible Woman and use telekinesis to remove a block that is covering a grate that Mister Fantastic can squeeze through. When you have done this, glide across the gap to the other side and pull on the red hook to release some bricks. Build the bricks into a pad so Mister Fantastic can plug himself into the wall and open the gate below. Now just cross the bridge and go through the door.
Head towards the screen and down the stairs to find a wall for Thing to destroy. Now switch to Invisible Woman and turn invisible to pass the laser. Enter the room below the laser and go all the way to the end of the passage. Here you can use telekinesis to unplug the laser, allow the rest of the team to join you.
Switch to Mister Fantastic and use the panel on the back wall, to the right of the plug you just pulled. When you have the bridge back online, you can cross it.
On the other side, have Mister Fantastic pull the ladder down by pulling on the red hook on the wall. You can then head up the ladder and destroy the black statue on the left. Build the broken pieces into a pad for Invisible Woman to use in a minute. Switch to Thing and pick up the large crate on the right, then throw it at the crack wall in front of you. You can now have Invisible Woman stand on the pad you built and reflect the beam onto the pad to the left of the absent bridge. When you have crossed the bridge, press Y to take control of the Human Torch and the game will register that he has been rescued. Now you need to find Fury.
Go to the left and up some stairs so you can see some green handles. Have Thing pull on them to expose a ladder. Now just climb the ladder and press Y at the top to take control of Nick Fury.
Have Invisible Woman climb the ladder and use telekinesis on the object above your head. Switch to Human Torch and destroy the gold object in front of you, then pull the switch behind it to fire the laser and blow yourself a way in.
Have Mister Fantastic head in through the hole and pull the red hook above your head to trigger the alarm and lower a lift for you to use, after you have had Human Torch remove the gold wall. Now just have your characters walk into the lift to advance to the next part of the level.
Fight off the Doombots until Green Goblin has blown out all the windows. You will then be able to build some bricks into a large crate that Thing can pick up and throw at Green Goblin. Having knock him down, you can get a few punches in on Green Goblin until he gets back on his Goblin Glider and fly off again.
After clearing out some more Doombots, Green Goblin will blow out some windows on the right side of the room. Build those bricks into a giant flyswatter that Jean Grey can use to bring Goblin down again. You can then get in some more hits to bring him down to just one heart of health remaining.
When Green Goblin has destroyed both of the windows at the far end of the room, build the bricks into a pad that will turn Mister Fantastic into a lighthouse. When you have knocked Goblin down, hit him once last time.
Follow the studs and jump off the helicarrier to land in the financial district below. From there all you need to do is follow the studs, on foot or by taking a car, to the waters edge, then fly out to your target to start the next level.
That Sinking Feeling
(True Believer – 90,000)
On the back wall at the start of the level there are three monitors. On the floor to the right of those monitors there are various junk objects. Destroy them all and rebuild them into a panel for Iron Man to access.
On the screen you will have to turn little valves tom make a complete circuit. You have completed many puzzles like this before so this shouldn’t be too hard. When you complete the circuit the sprinklers will turn on and put out the flames in front of the golden wall. You can then have Iron Man burn through it.
Have Spiderman go through the new hole and use his Super Sense so he can climb up the back wall to a ledge above. When you are up, use the Super Sense again to reveal two hooks. Pull them down, then head down to the bottom level.
Go over to the door on the right and walk between the flames. Use your Super Sense again to reveal two more hooks at the top of the door. Pull those to break a pipe and release some water that will put out the flames behind you.
Destroy the objects that were covered by the flames, then build them into a lightening switch for Thor to charge up and open the door.
Head through the tunnel into the next room and fight off the A.I.M. Agents that attack you. When the coast is clear head over to the right hand side of this large room and have Iron Man fly up to the silver crates you can see on the right. Destroy them with a few blasts to reveal a lightening switch for Thor. Fortunately he can fly too so bring him up and charge the switch.
With the switch charged, head back down to the lower level and use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal some hooks on the bottom of the object you just moved. Pull on them to open the crate and drop down some bricks that you can make into a panel for Iron Man.
When you access the panel you will take control of a small submarine. Drive it forward into a red switch on the back wall to it up. When this switch is fully lit, head to the left to find another switch and press this one until it is charged too. This will provide you with a bridge for your characters to cross the water.
On the other side, have Iron Man destroy the crate on the right by shooting at the gold part. You can then build the bricks into a lightening switch for Thor. When you have charged the switch the generator will overload and both security doors will open so you can leave this room.
In this next room you will face M.O.D.O.K. You must first deal with a wave of A.I.M. Agents before M.O.D.O.K. will make a move. When he does he will start to fire a beam at the ground and will move it slowly around in a circle. If you try to fly off the platform you are stood on M.O.D.O.K will fire directly at you and knock you out of the air.
For a short time he will have a force field around him. Keep fighting the Agents until you see it fade and disappear. When it does, have Iron Man aim at M.O.D.O.K. To knock him out of the air and when he is on the ground, get in one quick punch to knock him back.
M.O.D.O.K. Will take a moment to come back so deal with the Agents until you see him reappear. You can then knock him down with another rocket and hit him again. You must keep repeating this process until you have removed his last health heart.
With M.O.D.O.K. Out of the way and the submarine down, you will find yourself at the bottom of the ocean, protected by Jean Greys telekinesis. Head to the left and you will see a small submarine. Destroy it to uncover a crack that Thor can break through.
Stand on the crack and press X to smash through and release a spout of water that will provide you will some bricks. Build those bricks into a starfish, then use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal two hooks that you can pull to open the door.
Deal with the Doombots that pour out, then follow the path until you come to an underwater ruin. Have Spiderman use his Super Sense to reveal some hooks which will crack the opening. Thor can then smash through the wall and bring down the entire ruin, clearing the way for you to move on.
Keep following the path, dealing with any Doombots you meet along the way, until you reach a silver door. Have Iron Man use one of his rockets to destroy the silver door, then have Thor break through the rock behind it.
Keep moving along but beware of a sudden drop of the cliff. If you fall off you will need to fly back up, but you won’t die. While stood on the edge of the rock have Iron Man fire his laser at the four gold pieces on the tentacle around the column. Spiderman can then use his Super Sense to reveal two hooks on the column, enabling you to pull it down and create a bridge to the other side. Now you can head on down the path to get back to the submarine.
All you need to do it follow the trail of studs to find an impatient Wolverine waiting for you. Just jump into the craft to start the next level.
Taking Liberties
(True Believer – 95,000)
To exit the craft pump the B button to break free. You can then move slightly to the left, but stop before you step in the goo. To the right you will see a couple of cracked walls, but stepping in the goo will damage your health, unless you are the Hulk. Hulk can walk in the goo without issue. Stand in the goo and press and hold B to pick up a large rock. You can now throw this at the cracked wall at the top to reveal a claw switch and release some platforms for the other characters to use to cross the goo.
Have Wolverine head up the stairs and follow the ledge to the left and activate the claw switch which will release a crate below. Break open the crate to release some bricks that can be built into a pad for Mister Fantastic to turn himself into a mousetrap and snap onto the Statue of Liberty’s fingers, forcing her to remove her arm from the room and allowing you to pass.
Switch to the Hulk and head down the ramp on the right. At the bottom there is another pool of goo, but Hulk can walk in it without any problems. Stand in the goo and find the two green handles which the Hulk can pull to break that entire structure apart.
Go back to Mister Fantastic and find the red hook on the ledge at the back of the room. Use this to pull yourself up onto the ledge, then glide of the right hand side. You can also go back to Wolverine and use his Super Sense underneath the ledge Mister Fantastic just jumped off. This will reveal a path that Wolverine can use to climb along the wall and reach Mister Fantastic.
Switch back to Hulk and head up the ramp until you are stood on the concrete again. Press and hold B to pick up another large rock, then throw it at the cracked wall next to the other characters. This will reveal a panel for Mister Fantastic to use, but before you do, switch back to Hulk and go into the pool of goo and stand on the black and yellow lift at the back. You can then have Mister Fantastic use the panel to bring Hulk up to your level.
When the Hulk is up with you, switch to him and pick up the large object just in front of Liberty’s arm. Walk forward a few paces and throw it at the yellow cracks. If you don’t walk forward enough you will hit the platform rather than the cracks. If you hit your target you will burn her arm and she will remove it.
Further down the path you will find another panel for Mister Fantastic. When you use it, pump the X button to bring a platform round over the goo to where you are stood. When it reaches your side, Wolverine will jump on it and you can stop pumping the button so it swings back the way it came. When it reaches the other side, Wolverine will automatically jump off.
Switch to Wolverine and Hulk will walk through the goo and join you on the other side. You now need to get Mister Fantastic over there with you. On the left and right side of this area there are some green handles. Hulk can pull them to reveal a claw switch, which will drain some of the goo from the room. Activate both switches to empty the room completely, making it safe for Mister Fantastic to join you.
When all three characters are across, look for the three switches on the floor. There are two small ones and a big one, which is obviously for Hulk. Have any character stand on one of the switches and the others will stand on theirs and open the door. You can then head into the lift to move on.
Directly in front of you there are some handles for Hulk to pull. This will start the yellow object on your right, rotating around the platform. Wait for it to pass you and run around behind it to come off the other side.
When you are across, have Wolverine use the claw switch to start the next object spinning and create a bridge for you to cross when you pass it. Wait for this one to pass again before running behind it. This gives you the most amount of time to make it to the other side before it comes around again. There are two objects on this one so it is a little harder. Move as quick as you can or you will be electrified if one hits you.
When you are safely across, have Hulk pull on the green handles behind him so Wolverine can go into this new gap and use his Super Sense so he can climb the wall to reach the ledge above.
From here, head up the stairs on the right and use his Super Sense again so you can then climb around the central column in front of you. When you get across, use the claw switch to slow the rotation of the column. The characters below can then walk between the glowing beams, to reach the other side.
Switch to Mister Fantastic and cross through the glowing beams, then pull on the red hook on the right hand wall to make an opening that you can use to leave this area and reach the next one.
You are now inside the Statue of Liberty. Using Wolverine, walk over to the left hand corner of the room and use his Super Senses so you can climb the wall behind you. Use the claw switch at the top to activate a lift for the other characters to use.
Switch to Mister Fantastic and go through the grate on the left hand side. Once you’re on the other side destroy the brown object in front of you and build the pieces into a hook on the wall. Pull the hook to create a platform for the others to use to reach you.
On the left there are some handles for Hulk to pull so you can go up the stairs. When you are at the top, look behind the flames for a grate that Mister Fantastic can slip through. Once your out, look for the brown crate in the corner and destroy it. Build the bricks into a pad so Mister Fantastic can turn himself into a crane and lift a bridge into position for the other guys to use. You can then get Hulk to smash through the debris at the bottom of the stairs so you can go up them.
At the top of the stairs you can move to the left and get onto a central column. There is a grate on the right that Mister Fantastic can use to get onto the left side of the column. From there you can walk across the beam (carefully) and pull the red hook on the ceiling on the right hand side. This will lower another bridge for your friends.
On the other side have Hulk pull the green handles so you can access a ladder. Send Mister Fantastic up the ladder and pull the red hook on the left to the other two up to you.
Move back to the right and destroy the brown crate. You can then build the bricks into another beam to get back to the central column of the room.
Make sure Hulk crosses the beam and follow the path to a cracked wall. Smash through this to get some bricks which can be built into a pad for Mister Fantastic. Use the pad to turn into a little fire engine and put the fire out beside you.
Head back round the way you came and have the Hulk move the plane that is blocking the stairs. Head up the stairs and use the claw switch at the top. This gives you a spiral staircase wide enough for even the Hulk to use to get to the top.
At the top you will meet Mastermind. He will take control of Wolverine and you have to fight him until he regains control. When you have removed all four of Wolverine’s Health Hearts, press Y to switch to Wolverine, then pump B to take control back.
Now it’s Mister Fantastic’s turn to lose control. Fight him just as you did Wolverine, but if he wraps himself around you, you will need to switch to the other character and hit him to free the other guy.
When he takes control of Hulk, you will have to wait until he changes back into Bruce Banner before you can hit him. Do this three times and you can free him from Mastermind’s control.
With all three minds free, Mastermind will come down from his perch and multiply. Use Wolverine’s Super Sense to work out which one is the real Mastermind and hit him.
Follow the ghost studs and jump in the vehicle at the end to start the new level.
Rapturous Rise
(True Believer – 85,000)
Your first job is to get Thing free. On the back wall there are three large leave, and another on the floor beneath a palm tree on the left. Destroy all four and build the bricks into a pump that you can jump on a few times to free Thing.
With Thing free he can destroy the wall that is blocking you. You can then follow the path until you come to a gun that will fire at you continuously. Approach the gun using Captain America and press B so he will be protected by his shield. One of the bullets will eventually ping back and destroy the gun.
Have Thing stand where the gun used to be and pick up the rock in front of him. Throw it at the cracked wall to reveal a Shield Switch, which will overload the generator and remove the electrical barrier.
At the top there is another gun on the right. Use Captain America’s shield to deflect another shot at this one and destroy it. You can then head to the right and destroy another gun above your head.
With the guns out of the way, have Thing pull the handles at the base of the wall that the gun was stood upon. This will give you some bricks that you can build into a paddle. Push the paddle to raise a bridge behind the waterfall, for you to cross.
Deal with another security gun on the other side, then head down towards the edge of the cliff. Off to the right you will see a jump pole. Use this to jump across the gap and destroy the two large leaves on the wall. This reveals a shield switch which will overload this generator and remove the barrier.
Head back up the path and and throw your shield at the base of the crane to bring it down and create a ramp for you to use. Have Thing go up the ramp and pull the green handles to open up the path for you to move on.
Destroy the two large leaves on the fallen tree to reveal some green handles. Pull those to remove the tree. Follow the path a little further where you will realise you are in Jurassic Park. Deal with this dinosaurs, then find two green handles on the back wall and pull them.
This will free up some jump poles above that Captain America can use to cross the gap. When you are across, use your shield to protect you so you can walk through the fire. When you are through pull the switch to inflate an emergency escape slide for Thing to use to get up to where you are.
Walk through the plane’s fuselage and destroy four brown crates. You can then build the parts into some handles for Thing to pull. You can then walk through the rest of the plane to find the tail end.
Get rid of all the Raptors and bad guys, then destroy all the crates lying around. When you have all the pieces, build them into a small vehicle that will propel itself forward and break through the barrier.
Follow the path until you come to the bridge. You will not be able to get on the bridge so head down the side of it and jump onto the grab rail and shimmy along to the other side. When you reach the other side jump off and jump up the steps. Quickly duck behind your shield to deflect the enemy fire back at the guns and take them both out. You can now get onto the bridge and pull the lever at the other end to open it up for Thing. He can then walk along the path and pull some more handles to remove the wall blocking your path.
Up the stairs you will see a cracked wall. If you still have the piece of wall in your hands, throw that at it. If not, press and hold B to pick up a rock and throw that at it.
To the right there is a ladder that Captain America can climb. Head up there and build the lose bricks into a shield switch that will turn off the electrical barrier blocking your way.
Deal with Magneto’s Acolytes so you can work without being attacked, then destroy the three large leaves on the wall. Have Thing break through the wall behind them and build the bricks into a lightening switch for Storm. Charge this switch and the wall beside it will lower for you to pass through.
As you enter the new area you will see a pad for Captain America on the floor, partially covered in rubbish. Two security guns ill start to fire a laser at you which you can reflect onto the rubbish and clear off the pad. Jump on when it is clear and direct the beam back at the guns one at a time.
When both guns are destroyed you will have some bricks in the middle of this area. Build those into a lightening switch for Storm to charge, which will lower the large wall at the back.
In the next area you will face off against Rhino and many Acolytes. Rhino will constantly charge around and if he hits you, it hurts. You can’t attack him while he is doing this either. What you will notice is that he will start to break some of the brown objects in the middle of this area. You can help him along by breaking them too, then build the pieces into a giant pumpkin.
Wait a little while and Rhino will run into the pumpkin and get his horn stuck in it. Switch to Thing and give him a couple of hits until you are engaged in a one on one with him .Now just follow the on screen prompts to press the right buttons and finish him off.
Now Magneto will attack you by pounding a large rock on the ground. Keep dodging it until it break, then build the pieces into an anvil that Thing can pick up and throw at Magneto. This will knock him to the ground and you can get a hit in to remove one heart.
Now just repeat the process of dodging, rebuilding, throwing and hitting until Magneto is finished.
Time to head back to central park so you can find the Stark Jet. When you reach the park, go to the lake and stand on the wooden dock. Here you can use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal a panel for Iron Man. On the screen above the panel there are four circles, each with three coloured dots in them. Rotate the outer circles so the inner dot matched the colour of the dot it touches on the middle circle. This till raise the jet out of the water and you can jump in to head to the next level.
Magnetic Personality
(True Believer – 100,000)
Either side of the stairs there is a large structure with an Acolyte on top. (You can fly up and deal with the Acolytes is you wish as they will fire down at you) The structure on the left has a silver front that you can destroy with one of Iron Man’s rockets. Behind the plate is a lightening switch that Thor can charge. This will give you some spare bricks.
The structure on the right has all the same things for you to do, plus you must use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal two hooks, which you must pull on first to reveal the silver panel. When you have both piles of bricks you can build them into a paddle that you can rotate to open the door.
When you reach the next room you, fly to the right until you see Magneto put a barrier up to stop you. In front of that barrier you can use Spiderman’s Super Sense to reveal a crack in the glass that Thor can use to smash an opening. Have Spiderman head inside and pull on the red hook. This gives you some bricks in front of the barrier that can be built into a large magnet. Charge the lightening switch on the front and it will pull the barrier down for you.
Just past the barrier there is another spot to use the Super Sense. This reveals a part of the wall that Spiderman can climb to reach the ledge above. (Thor and Iron Man will fly up and join you) When you reach the top Magneto will close the door in your face.
On either side of the door there are two more structures. The one on the left has a grab bar up high, and some stairs that will appear for you to reach the bar. The other side is not so accessible. To the right of this structure there is another object with silver not he front. Blow it up and build the bricks onto the original structure. You will then get some stairs leading up to the grab bar so one of your other characters can reach it. When both bars are pulled down at the same time you will reveal some red hooks. Have Spiderman pull them to open the door. Move forward until you reach two red hooks. Have Spiderman pull the to create a panel for Iron Man to use to bring the bridge back.
Time to face Magneto! Keep fighting off his Acolytes and dodge the objects he throws at you. When he has thrown several objects at you, the remaining bricks of those objects will bounce, indicating that you can build them into something new. Your first object is an Iron for Iron Man to throw it at Magneto.When he hits the floor, get a few punches in before he takes off again.
Repeat the process a second time, this time building a pumpkin for Thor to hit with his hammer, hitting Magneto in the face and knocking him down again.
For the final time, go through the process again, except this time you must charge the lightening switch on the front of the large object once you have built it. You can then get Spiderman to throw it at Magneto and finish him off.
Follow the trail of studs to the nearest Vehicle Call-In Point and use it to return to the helicarrier. Once onboard, use the switch on the lift to head down to the control room. When you’re down, stand on the target in front of Nick Fury and press B to start the next level.
A Doom With A View
(True Believer 85,000)
Head up the stairs and use Spiderman’s Super Sense on the right. This will provide you with a platform above your head. Switch to Captain America and head to the left to find a pair of walls you can use to reach the ledge above. From there, move to the right and use the new platform to reach the other side.
Here you will see some Lego objects, one of which is shining. Destroy this one and build the parts into a Shield Switch. When you hit the switch you will be given a lightening switch below you. Storm can then charge the switch to lower another platform for you to cross the gap in front of you.
On the other side there are two green handles for Thing to use to remove the panel. Behind this there is another Shield Switch, which will bring a red hook out of the wall. Have Spiderman pull the hook to start the laser firing. This destroys the crate on the floor, which can be built into a panel for Captain America to use to reflect the beam. Aim the beam at the circle to the right of the laser, and hold it there until you are given another platform.
When you have crossed the gap, have Thing destroy that cracked wall at the back to reveal a lightening switch. When Storm charges this you will activate a lift, which you can use to reach the ledge above. At the top, have Thing pull the green handles to reveal red hooks. Spiderman can pull on the hooks and clear the doorway for you to go through.
In this tunnel you will be fired upon by two guns. Switch to Captain America and press B to use your shield to deflect the bullets and destroy the guns.
Behind the guns there is a travelator floor that only heads down. Have Storm hover by pressing A twice, and she can head up to the top of the ramp and charge the lightening switch to change the direction of the travelator so the other characters can walk up it.
As you move forward there are two more guns that Captain America can remove, and another ramp. This time a door will close at the base of the ramp. Spiderman’s Super Sense reveals a hook that can be pulled to get some bricks. You can then build those into a Shield Switch which will open the door when activated.
Have Storm hover up the ramp again and destroy the crate at the top. Build the pieces into a Lightening Switch which will change the direction of the travelator for the other characters to join you.
Head up the next ramp and use Spiderman to reveal a crack in the wall. Thing can break through this so you can reach the room behind it.
Before heading into the room, switch to Captain America and duck behind your shield. As you walk in the room, two guns will fire at you. Deflect their fire and destroy them.
When you are past the guns, move to the left and use the Super Sense to reveal a path for Spiderman to climb the wall. At the top, destroy the Lego object and build the parts into a paddle. Turn the paddle to open some bolts on the large door and reveal some green handles.
Switch to Thing and move to the right of the door. Pull the green handles to give you access to some jump walls. Have Captain America use those to reach another paddle at the top. Turn this and you will open the last bolts on the large door and reveal a Lightening Switch. Have Storm charge the switch which will rotate the door and bring the green handles down for Thing to pull.
When the door opens you are sucked out into space and will go through a free fall. After a short time you will end up back inside and facing Doctor Doom.
Destroy all the Doombots that attack you until they stop coming. Doctor Doom will then call in the Doombot (V Series). Switch to Thing and dodge it’s charges until the big Doombot falls down. When he stands up he will be still long enough for Thing to get in there and attack him. When you have gotten in enough hits, follow the on screen prompts to pull it’s face off. This will reveal a red hook that Spiderman can use to get rid of this Doombot.
Doctor Doom will jump onto a ray gun. After firing wildly around the room, some bricks will fall that you can build into a pad for Captain America. Jump on and reflect the beam at the rotating discs above Doctor Doom’s head.
When you have destroyed his ray gun, Doctor Doom will jump into the fray and attack the character you are controlling. Press Y to change character and hit Doctor Doom to get him to release the other guy. The whole process will then begin again. Destroy the Doombot (V Series), destroy the ray gun, hit Doctor Doom. Rinse and repeat twice more (minus the laser on the third time) until you bring him down for good.
You will find yourself back on the helicarrier. You need to go to central park to meet up with Megneto and Abomination. Jump on the lift and pull the lever to get up to the top deck. You can then jump of and land in central park. Just follow the studs to find Abomination and Magneto playing frisbee.
After a cut scene you will be in control of the Super Villains. Just follow the studs to the financial district to meet Doctor Doom. You can then use Magneto’s magnetic powers to free the jet, and jump in to start the level.
The Good, The Bad, And The Hungry
(True Believer – 75,000)
Throughout this level you will have control of different teams of good and bad guys alike. You will start with Thing, Spiderman, Green Goblin, and Mystique. Galacticus will attack in various ways. He will fire at you, suck you up and spit you out, or shake the helicarrier. Try to avoid these attacks where you can, and follow the on screen button prompts where you can’t.
Use Green Goblin to destroy the two silver objects that are jamming the large propellor in front of you. You can then switch to Thing and move to the left of the propellor until you see an object with green handles on it. Pick it up and throw it at the cracked object that is still stuck in the propellor.
When you have the propellor free, head to the right of it and have Thing remove the jet that has landed in your path. Just behind where the jet where the jet was, there is a pile of bricks. Build those into a hook that Spiderman can use to raise a panel. Mystique can then use the panel to lift the propellor up.
Back in front of the propellor there is now a spot for Spiderman to use his Super Sense. This will reveal two red hooks under the propellor that you can pull to angle it and in doing so, blow Galacticus away. He will then move on to the next team of characters.
To your left there is a gold object. Have Iron Man destroy it to raise a panel. He can then access the panel to raise this propellor, just as you did the other one. To get to the other propellor you will need to switch to Abomination. Stand in front of the flames and press and hold B to release a blast, clearing a path through the flames.
Switch to Venom and go to the propellor. You can then use his Super Sense to reveal the red hooks underneath. Pull the hooks to blow Galacticus back again.
You will now find yourself with the third team. Have Mister Fantastic move forward and pull the red hooks on that are holding the helicopter down. After releasing the helicopter, stand on the pad that was underneath so Mister Fantastic can turn himself into a hammer to free some bricks from the crate beside you. You can then build those bricks onto the device to get it ready. Before accessing the panel, look to the right of the device at the three objects with coloured lights on them. You will notice that the dots are joined by hoses. On the screen of the panel you must arrange the dots so they are joined together, just as they are one the panels.
Unfortunately, the device is not pointing in the right direction, but it will destroy an object that will give you some bricks. You can then build those into a pad for Captain America to reflect the beam to the right of Galacticus. Hold it in place until the game switches you to another team.
In front of your new characters there is an object that Magneto can use his Magnetic Powers on. This will raise a Lightening switch that either Doctor Doom or Storm can charge. This will give you some bricks that you can build into a bowl shape. When you have done that, switch to Cyclops and destroy the gold objects on the left. This gives you more bricks to add to the ones you just built, and create half a globe. To finish it off, move forward and find a pile of bricks for Magneto to move, on the left. This will free up some more bricks for your globe.
Switch to Storm and hover over the flames on the right to put them out. You can then hit the pile a few times until you free up the last bricks needed to complete the globe. With the globe finished, so is the level….and story mode.